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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

AUPE offices closed to members and the public

Member and staff safety remains union's top priority

Nov 16, 2020

As Alberta's COVID-19 cases rise, AUPE closes union offices

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In response to the provincial COVID-19 enhanced measures announcement on Friday November 13, 2020, a decision has been made to close all AUPE offices and revert to working from home effective Monday, November 16, 2020.  

AUPE office buildings will remain closed to members and the public until such time as AUPE Management, in consultation with the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee, determine that an appropriate level of safety for staff and members can be maintained.  All staff that have continued to work in the office throughout the closure, will continue to do so.  

It is also expected that members once again, continue to hold all meetings virtually rather than in-person.  Virtual resources are available to members wishing to connect with each other for meetings. We are currently seeing much higher COVID-19 numbers in all areas of the province and that number is expected to grow in the upcoming weeks.  As we continue to lead by example, these measures go beyond that of the current CMO's order on gatherings.  The health, safety and protection of our members must continue to be our priority.  This decision did not come to be lightly, and this decision will be re-visited in January of 2021.   

AUPE management will determine on a case-by-case basis when Membership Services Officers and other AUPE staff will be able to participate in in-person meetings with members. The cancellation of AUPE conferences, in-person educational sessions and events will remain in place until further notice as we continue to monitor the current COVID-19 situation. 

The following link may be used to access information regarding COVID-19 for Albertans: 

We understand change can be hard to embrace, especially during these unique times. Feelings of frustration over being unable to do business as we once did is normal. However, these measures reflect that the health and safety of our AUPE family, organization, and all of our loved ones, is our top priority.  

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