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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

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Documents and forms for all members

AUPE Grey Card (print version)

Please fill out, print, sign, and return to an AUPE office via postal mail; or, fill out, print, sign, and email a picture, scan, or screenshot of completed card to

AUPE Travel Expense Comparison Worksheet

Approved form must be submitted with Member Expense Claim

Child Care Receipt Form

Updated April 2024

Create MyAUPE account poster

Printable/shareable poster with link/QR code to create MyAUPE account

Standing Commmittee Application Form

Online version also available above - open until 7 days after Convention

Documents and forms for officers and activists

Forms and documents for Area Councils

Award application/nomination forms

Life Membership Nomination Form

All nominations must be received by the AUPE Executive Office on or before May 15th to allow for the Provincial Executive to process and if approved, make arrangements for official presentation at Convention.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) documents and forms

Attachment section

General AGM documents

Negotiating Team election form

Online version also available in section below

Chapter AGM documents and forms


Local AGM documents and forms

JWOHS Locals without Chapters election form

Online version also available in section below

Area Council AGM documents and forms
