AUPE Member Resource Centre 1-800-232-7284

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Welcoming New CBI Members Into AUPE!

New Member Orientation for CBI Local 047 Chapter 008

Apr 21, 2022

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With the merger of CBI and WeCare operations, AUPE is excited to welcome approximately 300 new members into the union.  

Update: New members may be wondering – what does this mean for me? It means improvements to your working conditions, your job security, and more. Below you can find links to materials to learn all you need to get oriented.  

You can also attend an orientation session online where you will meet your union representatives and find out how you can get involved: 


Union Orientation 1 - Monday, April 25th 7pm  

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 895 2535 7457 


Union Orientation 2 - Thursday, April 28th 10am 

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 813 2889 3317 


Union Orientation 3 - Saturday, April 30 2pm  

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 890 5656 3512 


There is also the option to join with audio only (you will be asked to enter the meeting ID listed above for the meeting you are calling into). To find the local number to call click here:  

These orientations will last for 20 minutes with the opportunity to stay longer to ask questions if you choose. Your time at for only one of these sessions will be paid by CBI, but you are welcome to attend all three if you like.  

You are also invited to join the Annual General Meeting for our AUPE Chapter (Local 047/Chapter 008) which is run by and for AUPE members working at CBI Home Health: 


Annual General Meeting – Thursday, April 28th 7:15 pm

MEETING ID: 860 1315 5638 

PASSCODE: 988255 

CALL IN: 1-587-328-1099 


We look forward to meeting you and working together. If you need to reach AUPE, you can get in touch with our Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284.  


In solidarity,  

Your CBI Home Health Chapter Executive: 

Local 047/Chapter 008 

Tina LaForce – Chair 

Susan Kyle – Vice Chair and Secretary 

Bobbie Narayan – Treasurer 

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