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SAIT: Non-monetary negotiations begin

Bargaining update for Local 039

Aug 23, 2024

Initial proposals exchanged

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Your negotiating team entered this latest round of bargaining to an overall positive tone. We and the employer began negotiations and exchanged non-monetary proposals on August 15. We are focused on improvements, clarification, and streamlining of language. We know that members want to ensure that the agreement is applied consistently by management and have made that a key aspect of negotiations.

The employer's response to our approach was favourable, expressing that they found our proposals reasonable. They presented their ingoing proposals as well, noting that they were only an opening position and intended as an opportunity to start a discussion. During these discussions we will advocate strongly for our position.

We are optimistic that the positive tone will remain throughout negotiations. We are focused on engaging in an interest-based approach and remain cautiously optimistic that the employer will do the same as we discuss our proposals over five scheduled days in September.

We appreciate your engagement throughout our preparations for bargaining as your responses to surveys and the feedback from Local Executive provided key insights and direction in how we approached the employer. We hope that you continue to remain engaged throughout bargaining and reach out to your negotiating team with any questions or concerns.
Lauren Payne

Chris Griffin

Janine Miiller

Christian Tetreault Negotiations

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 039 - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)


  • Education

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