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Chartwell Eau Claire: Bargaining off to a rocky start

Bargaining Update for Chartwell Eau Claire Local 048 Chapter 047

Aug 22, 2024

Employer tables insulting offer and rejects our reasonable proposals

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Disrespected – your negotiating team left the first round of bargaining with the employer with that overwhelming feeling. It left us motivated and driven, despite the employer’s dismissive and frustrating approach at the table. 

Negotiations began with discussion on non-monetary items and that’s where the hurdles began. The employer refused to agree to improved language on shift exchanges and common language on investigations, specifically around communicating reasons behind investigations and the rights to union representation. They went as far as to propose limitations on access to stewards and AUPE staff representation. They even attempted to disadvantage seniority rights by those members who may be absent from work for 36 months due to a disability.  

Your negotiating team was able to secure signed off language on some non-monetary improvements including:  

  • Article 8 – EMAC  
  • No loss of regular earnings for participation 
  • Article 11 – Job Performance  
  • Clarification of days 
  • Article 13 – Grievance Procedure  
  • Increase from 7 to 10 days to allow for grievances 
  • Renew LOU #1 – HCAs designated as professionals 

We then moved on to monetary negotiations. The employer’s offered package was insulting at best. It included: 

  • A reduction in overtime after 4 hours from 2x to 1.5x 
  • A $0.15 increase to shift premiums 
  • $175 for vision coverage over 24 months 
  • A 0.5% market adjustment increase for LPNs on the date of ratification 
  • Wage increases of: 
  • 1.25% in 2023 
  • 1.5% in 2024 
  • 1.5% in 2025 

Your negotiating team presented very reasonable monetary improvements that you deserve for your tireless service to your clients. Improvements that you have earned through your dedication and commitment to your work. However, the employer opposed all our asks, including: 

  • Overtime and statutory holiday compensation at 2x 
  • Professional development and licensing compensation 
  • Acceptance of the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation as a named holiday 
  • Increases to annual vacation and sick time accrual from the paltry 3.75 hours of sick time for every 162.5 hours worked 
  • Increase to the $25 paid for a sick note 
  • Improvements to shift differentials 
  • Increase to RRSP contribution above the current rate of 2% 
  • Matching the 2% salary adjustments that most employers have provided in line with AHS for 2023 
  • “Me too” salary increases with AHS for 2023 to 2026 

They claimed they would do better at arbitration than in bargaining, so that is the path your bargaining committee is compelled to go down. 

When we returned to the table on August 7, your negotiating team tabled the AHS salary proposal, holding on all other monetary proposals. This brought a quick end to the bargaining session. We left the table after agreeing to wait for an ESA before going into mediation.  

Your negotiating team is not intimidated by the employer’s actions and will not back down. We are prepared to fight for the gains you deserve. We will continue to keep you informed as bargaining progresses and as that you reach out to a member of your team with any questions or concerns.  



Naomi Cruz 

Gay Rosales 

Jolanta Batura 


Darren Gangur 

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 048 - Continuing Care Separate Employers South


  • Health care

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