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Park Place Hardisty: Negotiations reach an impasse

Bargaining update for Local 047 Chapter 039

Aug 23, 2024

Employer’s monetary offer falls short

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The most recent round of negotiations with the employer began with some notable progress. We began with non-monetary items and were able to sign off on several improvements. Improved and signed off articles include:

Article 2 Definitions - Largely housekeeping
Article 6 Respect in the Workplace - Secured outcomes in writing
Article 10 Seniority
Article 12 Job Postings and Vacancies - There will now be feedback for candidates
Article 13 Job Classifications and Rates of Pay - Increased employers obligated reporting time if they cancel a shift)
Article 16 Absence from Work
Article 22 Sick Leave - Clarification of payment for required documents
Article 25 Discipline - Employer is now compelled to reveal details of investigation and discipline on file reduced from 24 months to 18 months
Article 26 Grievance Procedure - Largely housekeeping
Article 27 Mediation and Arbitration - Clarification of time limits
Article 32 Termination of Employment - Job reference language
New Article Contracting Out - Language requiring 60 days notification period

However, once we began monetary discussions, we soon reached an impasse. While there was some movement from the employer, it did not meet our expectations. The employer's monetary proposals included:

•   Overtime to be paid at 2X after two hours
•   Increases to all shift differentials ranging from $0.50 to $0.75
•   Establishment of charge pay for LPNs
•   Health spending account increase from $250 to $400
•   Decrease to annual vacation accrual bands by one year
•   Increases to sick bank and sick time accrual.
•   Increase to bereavement leave by one day
•   Establishment of professional licensing fees for $300.
•   Salary grid increases of 2% each year for four years, effective beginning in 2024

Despite these proposed improvements, the employer fell short of meeting your needs and the gains you deserve to see. Ironically enough, the employer often mentioned challenges in recruitment and short staffing. We were quick to point out that meeting our demands would help rectify that situation. These challenges clearly result from the employer paying both LPNs and HCAs well below what competitors pay.

Your negotiating team is committed to fighting for the increases you have earned through your tireless efforts to serve your clients. We chose to hold all monetary proposals and advised the employer that we will wait for the completion of an ESA to proceed with mediation. We will keep you informed as we progress and ask that you contact a team member with any questions or concerns.

Diego Bituin

Corrie Cruz

Martha Kabba

Baby Riza Yu


Darren Gangur


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