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Nominate a member for the AUPE Women’s Committee’s DOVE Award

Prestigious annual award given to women in the union who make a difference.

Dec 19, 2022

Nominations are now open for the AUPE Women's Commitee's DOVE Award.

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Every year, the DOVE Award is given to a woman AUPE member for their outstanding contributions to the betterment of women and all members of our union.

Click here to download the DOVE nomination form. To nominate a member, complete the form and email it to Sharleen Patterson at You will also need to include a written profile of the member, including what they have contributed to earn the award, which can be attached as a Word or PDF file. Profiles should be at least 150 words.

The deadline to submit a nomination form is Friday, January 20, 2023 at 12pm. The winner of this year’s DOVE award will be announced during AUPE’s annual International Women’s Day celebration in March.

International Women’s Day is often seen as a day for celebration, but it is in fact a day for protest. It started as a defiant, militant movement in opposition to an economy that exploited working people and a society that made women second-class citizens.

Organized labour was an important part of the women’s rights movement. Working people—union members and non-union workers alike—took to the streets and forced the rich and powerful to give in to their demands.

Although we have made progress since the first Women’s Day in 1909, much of the institutionalized sexism and classism they were protesting still exists today.

This history is what makes the DOVE Award special. It is a symbol of the progress we have made and also a recognition of the courageous acts AUPE members make today because there is still so much work to do.

If you know a woman in the union who is dedicated to the betterment of women and all members of our union, please nominate them for the 2023 DOVE Award.

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  • Member update


  • Women's committee

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