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Carewest ANC: Bargaining update

Update for Local 048 Chapters 007, 008, 009, 016, 035, 037, 038, 039, 040, 041, Carewest ANC

Feb 16, 2023

Negotiating Team meeting on Feb. 25 to review our next proposal

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Your negotiating team met with the employer on Jan. 24 at which time we received their updated proposal. We then met Feb. 2 to review the employer’s proposal in detail and plan our next move.  

The negotiation team decided we would not respond directly to the employer’s Jan. 24 offer because they did not address concerns regarding seniority and inconsistent practices in the workplace. Mediator Mia Norrie was notified that, at our next mediation date of Feb. 6, we would not table our next response until we discussed concerns that were not addressed in the employer’s last offer.  

On Feb. 6, negotiation team met the employer at mediation and reviewed in detail with a number of workplace concerns where seniority needed to be enforced and where employer policies were being administered inconsistently from site to site (see list below). The meeting was constructive. The employer agreed to review and respond at our next meeting. The employer suggested that upon review, if they had updated proposals on these items, they would be in contact.   

Your negotiating team will meet our negotiator James Mitchell on Feb. 25 to review our next proposal. Our next mediation date is March 6. There is still a lot of work to do on these and other issues we know are important to you. 

Our position on seniority 
Seniority needs to be recognized for: 

  • Appointments, transfer and promotions; 
  • Shift schedules, including extra shifts, pickup shifts and exchanging shifts; 
  • Vacations; Vacations regarding two-week limitation inconsistencies and blackout periods;  
  • Layoffs; 
  • Recalls; 
  • Overtime, lack of full times and offered by seniority for part times  
  • Bereavement; 
  • Bereavement as it relates faith-based limitations   

Below are the latest positions from both sides on the main monetary issues. We have other monetary proposal in a number of areas including bereavement, benefits, flex spending account to name a few. Please see your bargaining committee for any concerns or clarifications.  

Our monetary proposal 

  • July 1, 2021: Increase each rate of pay in the salary schedule by one (1%) per cent above 2020 rates of pay; and  
  • January 1, 2022: Increase each rate of pay in the salary schedule by two (2%) per cent above 2021 rates of pay; and  
  • July 1, 2023: Increase each rate of pay in the salary schedule by two (2%) per cent above 2022 rates of pay;  
  • All compensation matters are retroactive to July 1, 2020. 

Long-service adjustment 

In addition to the rates of pay specified in the main salary schedule, an employee who has 20 or more calendar years of service with the employer, shall receive a 2% Long Service Pay Adjustment (LSPA). This shall form part of the employee’s basic rate of pay.  

LSPA would come into effect for wages on January 1, 2023.  

Lump sum payment – recognition for services rendered during the COVID-19 response  

1. Within 90 days following the date of ratification, each employee shall be issued a one-time premium payment of 2% of the basic rate of pay for all hours worked between Jan. 1, 2020 and Dec. 31, 2021.  

Carewest monetary offer  

The employer proposes the following improvements to the salary schedule for basic rates of pay, effective on the dates specified, for all classifications covered by the collective agreement:  

  • July 1, 2020: 0%  
  • January 1, 2022: 1%  
  • December 1, 2022: 1.25%  
  • July 1, 2023: 2%  

Long-service adjustment   

In addition to the rates of pay specified in the main salary schedule, an employee who has 20 or more calendar years of service with the employer, shall receive a 1% Long Service Pay Adjustment (LSPA). This shall form part of the employee’s basic rate of pay.  

LSPA would come into effect for wages on July 1, 2023.  

Lump sum payment – recognition for services rendered during the COVID-19 response  

1. Within 90 days following the date of ratification, each employee shall be issued a one-time premium payment of 1% of the basic rate of pay for all hours actually worked between Jan. 1, 2021 and Dec. 31, 2021.  

If you have any questions or feedback about this bargaining update, please contact a member of your negotiating team. 


Tracy Emovon, Chairperson (Glenmore) or 403-200-9158 

Kathleen Schwengler (Fanning Center) or 403-540-1061 

June St. Lewis (Colonel Belcher) or 403-689-0957 

Leeann Cook (Sarcee/C3 Beddington) or 587-718-0744 

Marilyn van Sertima (C3 Beddington) or 403-619-8962 


James Mitchell, Negotiations or 905-441-4546 

Jaime Urbina, Organizing or 587-599-7557  

Terry Inigo-Jones, Communications  

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