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Bargaining Update: Whitehorn Village Retirement, Nursing Care, 048/051

Bargaining survey open until Oct. 31

Oct 12, 2021

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Negotiations for your first collective agreement are fast approaching. You’ve already elected the coworkers you wish to amplify your voice at the bargaining table. Now it’s time to tell your negotiating team what you want them to prioritize in bargaining.

Your negotiating team is looking for opinions, suggestions, and feedback. We have compiled a survey that you will get before and after work, or on your break, starting on Oct. 13, 2021, so you can share your thoughts with us.

What would improve your working conditions? What would make Whitehorn Village Retirement Community a fairer workplace? Do you have any concerns with your current working conditions?

Fill out the survey before Oct. 31, 2021 to have your say.

By filling out the survey, which will only take a few minutes, you’re letting your elected representatives know what your priorities are for your first contract. The more responses we receive, the stronger our negotiating committee will be at the bargaining table.

With the results of the survey, your negotiating team will identify our priorities and create written proposals to negotiate your first collective agreement. We will keep all responses to the survey confidential. It is important that you do not read or complete the survey during work hours.

The survey will be open until Oct. 31, 2021. Please complete it before then, and don’t forget to send it to your co-workers to get their input as well. Feel free to reach out to the negotiating team if you have any questions. Their contact information is at the bottom of this update.

Together we can push for the protections we deserve, but your negotiating team needs your frontline expertise to help steer the direction of bargaining with the employer.

If you don’t receive a survey, please text your Chapter Chair, Stacey Ryan-Chipman, at  403-589-6688, and we will arrange to bring you a survey during non-working hours. We value your input, suggestions, opinions and greatly appreciate your support in the bargaining process.

If you have questions or comments please contact a negotiating team member:

Stacey Ryan-Chipman – or cell: 403-589-6688

Azebe Mamo – or cell: 403-797-1621

Susan Kuriakose – or cell: 587-707-7859


Organizer Membership Services Officer – Guy Quenneville – 

Negotiator - Christian Tetreault - 

News Category

  • Bargaining updates




  • Health care