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AUPE Member Update on Court of Appeals Decision

Alberta’s Court of Appeal has overturned AUPE’s injunction against Bill 9.

Sep 06, 2019

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Alberta’s Court of Appeal has overturned AUPE’s injunction against Bill 9.

This means wage arbitration for approximately 70,000 AUPE members is back on hold until after October.

AUPE members are frustrated with the court’s decision, and AUPE will explore the options available to us moving forward, including whether to take this to the Supreme Court of Canada.

In the meantime, AUPE will continue preparing for arbitration and holding Bill 9 info-pickets.

What this decision shows is that AUPE members and other hard working Albertans cannot rely solely on the courts to hold this government accountable.

Bill 9 is just the beginning – There’s more to come.

The UCP government’s Blue Ribbon Panel report is a direct attack on our wages and benefits, possibly including pensions, and impacts all sectors of our union.

The report demands rollbacks and cuts for working people.

AUPE members and all working Albertans are at a crossroads.

The courts won’t stop the cuts. Politely asking the UCP to do the right thing won’t stop the cuts. Other politicians won’t stop the cuts.

The only thing that can stop the UCP government’s anti-worker agenda is working people fighting back together.

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