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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

AUPE Reacts to the Decision to Overturn the Injunction Against Bill 9

The Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) is disappointed in today’s 2-1 majority decision by the Court of Appeal panel.

Sep 06, 2019

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EDMONTON – The Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) is disappointed in today’s 2-1 majority decision by the Court of Appeal panel overturning the injunction against the UCP’s controversial Bill 9.

“We are frustrated by the ruling. AUPE will be consulting with our legal counsel and our membership will consider our options including appealing this decision to the Supreme Court of Canada,” said Guy Smith, AUPE President.

“Justice Paperny’s written dissent bolsters our argument that the court was absolutely correct to issue AUPE’s injunction in the first place.

“Bill 9 is a political decision by the UCP government to attack our constitutional rights, our wages, our working conditions and the vital public services Albertans depend on.

“It’s a political decision to gift profitable corporations huge tax breaks – costing $4.5 billion over four years – while claiming the province doesn’t have a massive revenue problem.

“We will continue to explore all options available to us and prepare for arbitration to resume.

“What this decision shows is that AUPE members and other hard working Albertans cannot rely on the courts to hold this government accountable. This is our struggle, and AUPE members know they are the ones with the power to fight this government’s anti-worker agenda.”

AUPE is Alberta’s largest union, standing over 95,000 members strong. Bill 9 affects a total of approximately 180,000 working Albertans, including 70,000 AUPE members.


For more information:

Alexander Delorme, AUPE communications officer: 780-264-9274

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