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AGLC: Voluntary mediation successful; we've got a tentative agreement

Bargaining Update Alberta, Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Local 050

Nov 28, 2022

Please join your negotiating team at a Town Hall on Dec. 6

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As we reported in our last update, your negotiating team met with the employer and the mediator twice last week and again on Saturday, Nov. 26. We’re happy to advise that we were able to reach a tentative agreement that we unanimously recommend you vote “Yes” to accept.

After you voted not to accept the previous agreement, your negotiating team asked you to submit to a short survey to help us prioritize our demands as we headed into voluntary mediation. We thank you for that feedback and are pleased to report that we were able to achieve modest improvements to the wage grid, in that pay increases in 2023 will come earlier. Click here to view the Salary Schedule.

In addition, the parties have agreed to a new Letter of Understanding that establishes an Alternate Work Arrangements Committee (the “Committee”). This new joint committee, between Local 50 and the employer, will meet within 30 days of ratification to engage in meaningful consultation to advance the development of AGLC’s Alternate Work Arrangements (Hybrid, Telecommuting and compressed work week arrangements).

While much of the tentative agreement remains status quo, your negotiating team wants to stress that the employer came to the table motivated to get concessions around the areas of Layoff and Recall along with language that would have impacted your illness leave balances that your bargaining committee was able to fend off.

The employer’s unwillingness to move off the government-imposed bargaining mandate emphasizes to us how important it is that we start to organize now for the next round of negotiations in 2024.

Ratification Process
To avoid the delays we experienced due to supply chain issues during the last ratification vote, your negotiating team has decided to conduct this vote electronically. Balloting will be open for three days following the Town Hall Meeting (i.e. from 9:00 p.m. on December 6th until 8:59 p.m. on December 9th).

It is vital that AUPE have your up-to-date e-mail address in order that you receive timely information about this important vote. Please update your information here or speak to a Shop Steward or worksite contact to sign a Grey Card. Please share this update with co-workers who may not receive it.

Ratification Town Hall Meeting – December 6
Please join us at a Town Hall Meeting on December 6th. We will be available to answer your questions about the tentative agreement. The meeting will be moderated by Vice President Susan Slade, and we’re pleased that President Guy Smith has confirmed his attendance.

Topic: AGLC Tentative Agreement Ratification Town Hall
Time: Dec 6, 2022 07:00 – 8:30 PM Edmonton

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 857 6308 8890 Passcode: 898512

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Meeting ID: 857 6308 8890
Passcode: 898512

This has been a long and difficult process for all of us. We want to thank you again for your feedback along the way and, in particular, for your direction following the defeat of the previous proposed settlement. We’re confident that this agreement is the best we’re going to achieve under the current circumstances and look forward to answering your questions at the Town Hall Meeting on Dec. 6.

Jason Bates
Jennifer Clavette
Nick Nigro 
Dave Klein
Peter Snowdon 
Todd Stearns

James Mitchell Negotiations 
Lisa Baylis Membership Services Officer 
Mimi Williams Communications


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