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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

UCP government asks Licensed Practical Nurses to do more with less

EDMONTON – AUPE is concerned by the UCP government’s decision to broaden the scope of practice for Licensed Practical Nurses

Oct 17, 2019

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“Licensed Practical Nurses are highly qualified workers and a key part of delivering quality health care to Albertans,” said AUPE Vice-President and LPN Susan Slade.

“With this announcement, the UCP government is asking LPNs to do more with less. But these front line workers are already stretched thin.

“Increasing their workload without any firm promise to increase staffing levels or other resources is not good for workers or health care delivery. Working conditions are patient conditions.

“If this government is going to ask workers to do more, the government must in turn invest more.

“AUPE members would welcome a commitment from this government to increase staffing levels and funding for public health care in the upcoming provincial budget.

AUPE is the largest union in western Canada. More than 16,000 LPNs work in Alberta, of which approximately 9,000 are AUPE members.


For more information:

Alexander Delorme, AUPE communications officer: 780-264-9274

News Category

  • Media release


  • Health care

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