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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Town of Ponoka: Tentative Agreement Reached

Ratification Vote on June 21. Negotiating team recommends you vote yes.

Jun 03, 2022

Bargaining Update: Town of Ponoka—Local 118, Chapter 004, All Staff

Text only block

After a long and drawn-out round of bargaining, your negotiating team is happy to announce that we were able to reach a Tentative Agreement (TA) with the Town of Ponoka in mediation on May 30. Now, it’s up to you to decide whether to adopt it.

Your negotiating team is recommending that you vote “yes” on the proposed agreement. We’ve included, in this update, a list of improvements that you would see if it’s adopted. Every AUPE member at the Town is eligible to vote, so remember to talk to your co-workers about the vote and encourage everyone to participate — just remember, don’t talk union business on employer-paid time.

Your negotiating team would like to thank all of our co-workers for their patience and support throughout this difficult round of bargaining. Without your support, we would not have gotten the gains being proposed in this tentative agreement. Solidarity works!

If you have any questions, or if you want any more detail, then do not hesitate to reach out to your committee members or AUPE resource staff. Their contact information is at the very bottom of this update.

Voting details
Tuesday, June 21
12p.m. – 6p.m.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 66
3911 AB-2A, Ponoka T4J1M1

Tentative Agreement Summary

Monetary Improvements:

  • 1.75 per cent salary increase retroactive to Jan. 1, 2022 on all hours worked.
  • 1.75 per cent salary increase effective Jan. 1, 2023.
  • Two per cent salary increase effective Jan. 1, 2024.
  • Increased Town payment for benefits (70 per cent up from 60 per cent for health, dental and life insurance).
  • Expansion of “safety boot footwear” to all types of “safety footwear.” You’re eligible for a $200 allowance annually (it had previously been every two years). The allowance may be carried over for one year (so you can use $400 every two years).
  • New 30-minute paid union orientation for new employees.
  • Increased maximum reimbursement from $20 to $50 for proof of illness.
  • Five days paid domestic violence leave (total 10 days including unpaid leave)
  • Half-paid leave to attend citizenship ceremony.
  • Requirement for meal breaks to be paid if employees are required to remain at the worksite.
  • Limit of 10 per cent deduction (unless otherwise mutually agreed) on recovery of overpayment.
  • Cost of printing collective agreements shared between union and employer.
  • Salary protection in the event of reclassification to a lower paid position or advancement to next highest paid step if reclassified to a higher paid position.

Non-monetary Improvements:

  • Minimum 24-hour notice for disciplinary meetings, including investigations, and requirement to schedule to allow a union representative to attend.
  • Automatic removal of disciplinary records after 24 months (if no other similar or greater discipline is received in that time).
  • Requirement to address harassment and discrimination complaints within 90 days.
  • The Town will not normally require proof of illness, but if required they will provide written  reasons for the request.
  • Requirement for Labour-Management Committee to meet at least every 6 months.
  • Provision of job descriptions to employees upon hire and/or request.
  • Requirement to notify the union if job description/classification has significantly changed and renegotiate salary.
  • Comprehensive job description review within one year.
  • New workload review article.
  • New Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) article.
  • Inclusion of current reimbursement rates for work-related travel/training.
  • Clarification of minimum three hours reporting pay if the shift is cancelled by the employer.
  • Inclusion of Truth and Reconciliation Day in list of paid holidays.
  • Maternity leave updated to include miscarriage/stillbirth within 16 weeks of due dates.
  • Caregiver leave updated (from Terminal Leave).
  • Union leave if elected to a full-time position.
  • Military leave provision.
  • Gender neutral agreement.
  • Title changes: new Lead Hand definition, “Manager” replaces “Director”, reference to elected officers (in addition to union staff), specification of Landfill/Waste Transfer Attendant in Hours of Work article.
  • Provision of more member information (start date and gross earnings) with dues remittance.
  • Updated bargaining notice provisions (including new union address).


Lori Matejka
Tamara Cameron  

Merryn Edwards Negotiator,
Farid Iskander, Organizer
Jon Milton Communications Officer, 


News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 118 - Local Government and Agencies


  • Boards/agencies/local government

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