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Swan Evergreen: Mediation is over; voting starts soon

Update for Local 048 Chapter 053, Swan Evergreen

Apr 22, 2024

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We finally have the mediator’s recommendations for our new collective agreement. This has been a long, drawn-out process since we met with the meditator on Feb. 22, 23, and Mar. 17. While the employer came to mediation willing to negotiate and make a deal, we could not fully agree and needed the mediator’s input. We appreciate your patience throughout this process! 

We will vote on these recommendations at our next scheduled meeting on April 24. The full recommendations document is attached. 

Here are the highlights: 

  1. New shift and weekend premiums for Nursing Care only. Unfortunately, the mediator did not agree to award any differentials to the General Service Workers at the site. 
    • DOR - Evening shift premium rises to $2.25 from $0.75 
    • DOR - Night shift premium increases to $3.50 from $1.25 
    • DOR - Weekend premium grows to $3.00 from $1.50 
  2. Sick leave increases from 5 days to 12 days yearly. While previously you were not allowed to bank sick time, you can now carry over up to 36 days. 
  3. RRSP contribution from the employer rises from 1% to 2%. 
  4. Creation of a preceptor and practicum pay of $0.65. 
  5. LPNs receive $200 annually for licensing fees. 
  6. Both LPNs and HCAs receive two professional development days annually. 
  7. A small increase in vacation leave earnings for all classifications. 
  8. Two additional bereavement days if you need to travel over 350 km. 
  9. Improved non-monetary issues like discipline timelines, alleged infraction disclosure, and the creation of an Employee Management Committee. 
  10. New grids for GSS, from starting wage to top wage: 
    • Cook $21.27–$24.66 
    • Dishwasher $16.36–$18.96 
    • Housekeeper $16.88–$19.57 
    • Laundry Aide $16.36–$18.96 
    • Admin Asst $22.54—$26.13 
    • Maintenance Worker $20.20–$23.42 
    • Server $16.36–$18.96 
    • Sous Chef $23.37–$27.09 
    • Salon Servicer Worker $18.18–$21.08 
    • Companion $16.36–$18.96 
    • Kitchen Helper $16.36–$18.96 
    • Concierge $17.23–$19.98 
    • Life Enrichment Worker $19.09–$22.13 
  11. New grid for LPN salaries: $29.02–$35.70. 
    • This is a significant increase from $26.25–$32.50.  
  12. New grid for HCA salaries: $22.66–$27.37 
    • This is a significant increase from $18.50–$22.30 
    • This includes the addition of the $2 top-up. 
  13. In our meetings, we stressed how much you deserved retroactive pay. Unfortunately, neither the employer nor the mediator felt it was necessary. The current offer is a 2.5% lump-sum (one-time total) payment for all hours you have worked since certification.  

Voting Meeting 

Wednesday, April 24 
Swan Evergreen – Theatre Room 
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Vote 
2:00 PM – 4 PM Q&A 

Come ready to vote on these recommendations! 

Please contact a member of your negotiating team if you have any questions. 


Sheryll Esmane 

Romlyn Ramos 


Christian Tetreault, Negotiations 

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