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University of Calgary members urged to wear red

Show your support for your negotiating team

Apr 24, 2024

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Mark your calendars! May 1 will be an important day for AUPE members at the University of Calgary – and we need your help to make that day a success. 

Work is under way on negotiating a new collective agreement. Your negotiating team and the employer will exchange monetary offers on Wednesday, May 1. 

This is always an important day in the process of bargaining for a new contract – when you get to see how much you are valued by your employer. 

It’s also an important day to support your negotiating team and to show your employer that you are united and determined to get a new agreement that works for you. 

That’s why we’re asking all members of Local 052 at the University of Calgary to wear red on May 1. 

These kinds of displays send a powerful message to the employer that you and your colleagues are engaged in bargaining and united in support your negotiating team. 

So, put on a red shirt or, if you are unable to do that, find another way to show your support – wear a red hair tie or a red scarf, carry a red water bottle or coffee mug. The more red the employer sees on May 1, the stronger the message. 

Please share this message with your colleagues. 

Your negotiating team will be sharing updates as bargaining progresses. Please ensure your email and contact information are up to date and ask your colleagues to do the same. You update your information or create a new account on the AUPE website here: https://www.aupe.org/update-info.   

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