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Revera Ownership Change – Frequently Asked Questions

Some answers to frequently asked questions about the change in ownership of Revera worksites.

Nov 14, 2023

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What’s happening?

Revera has told AUPE that it has sold its operations. The management of your workplace will be taken over by a different company, Optima Living or Cogir. This means that the new management company will become your employer.

How will this affect me?

    As far as we know, the changes you will see are:

  • The name on the side of your worksite;
  • Your boss’s boss;
  • Possibly, your benefit package provider.

Am I still an AUPE member?

Yes! Your membership with AUPE will continue.

Will the Collective Agreement still be in effect?

Yes! The new operators have accepted that AUPE is your rightful bargaining agent and agreed to stay under the previously negotiated Collective Agreement, so you will keep all the terms of your employment from the Collective Agreement.

Will I have to reapply for my position?

No, you will stay in your position when the ownership changes.

Will I be laid off?

The new operators have told us they do not plan to reduce staffing. The Agreement provides a process for layoffs if the employer changes their mind and AUPE will enforce that language and process if necessary.

Will I keep my seniority?

Yes, your seniority will carry over to the new employer.

Will my benefits change?  What happens to my current benefits?

We have been told that the new operators are looking at new benefits plans. They must meet the minimum standards established in the Collective Agreement.  The employer is responsible for communicating how the changeover will occur.  If you have concerns about the employer’s answer, please call AUPE at 780-930-3300 and speak to your MSO about it.

If I have a grievance, will it still be active?

Yes! Your grievance will stay active, and the new operator will be required to deal with it as per the process in the Collective Agreement.

Who will the new insurance company be?

We have not been told that information. Press your manager to find out what company will be your new benefits provider.

Will our wages/salaries change?

No!  Your wags are established in the Collective Agreement and the new operator must keep them the same.

Will the new owners be hiring new workers?

We don’t know. If you have concerns about short staffing, please reach out to your Chapter Chair, Local Chair, Vice President, or MSO.

Will the patient ratios change?

That will be up to the new operators. If you see changes and are concerned, please reach out to your MSO.

RRSP still there?

Yes, the employer will still be required to match your RRSP contibutions as per the Collective Agreement. 

Uniform allowance?

Yes, the uniform allowance is still included in the agreement and the new employer will be required to pay it. For Scenic Acres, the employer will still be required to provide you with a uniform.

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  • Member update

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