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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Points West Living Stettler: Negotiations for a fair deal have started

Update for Local 047 Chapter 012, Points West Living - Stettler

Jun 29, 2023

Ingoing proposals exchanged with passionate discussions

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Over the course of several meetings on June 1, 2, and 12-14, your negotiating team engaged in discussions and exchanged proposals with the employer.

The employer's ingoing proposal consisted of three requests. Firstly, they sought the freedom to reassign health care aides and licensed practical nurses as they saw fit. Secondly, they proposed restrictions on vacations while implementing a vacation planner. Lastly, they wanted to include a lengthy force majeure clause in the collective agreement, which would protect them from having to financially support workers in the event of natural disasters or other uncontrollable circumstances.

Your negotiating team's main objective in our non-monetary proposal was to reorganize and streamline the collective agreement while preserving its original intent. We aimed to create a more user-friendly document. However, it was disappointing to see that the employer rejected even the most minor housekeeping changes without providing any rationale other than a preference for the existing language.

Our top priorities in our monetary negotiations have been to enhance the entitlements and salaries of our members while addressing the issues raised in the surveys regarding the toxic work environment. We believe that these improvements are crucial for creating a healthier and more supportive workplace for all.

Unfortunately, the employer responded to our monetary proposal with a firm rejection. They claimed that their budget was already fully allocated, and they could not meet our requested increases, offering only minimal salary raises over a three-year period. This response was disheartening and left us feeling undervalued and offended. We made it clear to the employer that their proposal was unacceptable.

However, there has been a development since then. After a cooling-off period, the employer's spokesperson reached out to us to discuss our priorities and explore the possibility of reaching a mutually acceptable agreement. Although the employer initially seemed to reject all proposals, their willingness to continue discussions indicates a potential for finding common ground.

We will provide another update once we receive a response from the employer regarding our proposals and once the next meeting dates have been set. In the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to a member of your negotiating team or AUPE resource staff.

Stay united and stay strong.


Tracy Matchett

Ella Henderson or 403-741-9877

Natasha Hajdasz or 780-245-1814


Christian Tetreault, Negotiator

Maureen Mariampillai, Communications

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