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Gearing up for AUPE Convention 2023

Key dates and resources to help you prepare

Jun 27, 2023

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We know deadlines can sometimes sneak up when you're busy with work and spending time with family and friends. 

With the 2023 AUPE Convention coming up in just a few months, we want to make sure you have everything you need before delegates, members like you, come together to set AUPE policies, determine the budget and elect the Executive Committee Oct. 26-28 at the Expo Centre in Edmonton. 

The best way to make the most of your Convention experience is to participate! This is your opportunity to discuss what matters to you and the direction you want our union to take.  

Here are some key resources to help you exercise your democratic rights! 

Executive Committee Elections Nomination  

Please fill out and submit this form to the Chairperson of the Provincial Executive Elections Committee, for the 2023 Executive Officer elections, by hand, registered mail, or email no later than Aug. 27

Lauren Payne (Chairperson) Local 039 
c/o Tammy Lamoureux  
10025 - 182 Street NW  
Edmonton, AB T5S 0P7   

Candidates who submit this form by the deadline may provide a written submission for Direct Impact, of no longer than 500 words, which must be sent electronically to editor@aupe.orgno later than Aug. 27

Please be aware that nothing prevents other candidates from being nominated at Convention. 

Convention Committee Application 

Please fill out and submit this form if you are interested in applying to be a member of the Convention Scrutineers Committee or the Convention Sergeant-at-Arms Committee. 

The application deadline is Aug. 31.  

Please do not apply if you are a delegate or alternate delegate for Convention. 

The Convention committee selection will be made in September. If you are selected, AUPE will contact you with more details regarding your duties and attendance at the Convention.  

Convention Exhibit Table Registration 

Please use this form if you would like to apply to register for a table in the Exhibit Room at AUPE's 45th Annual Convention. The deadline to submit your form is Aug. 31. 

The Exhibit Room will be open on Thursday, Oct. 26 and Friday, Oct. 27 only, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. 

Standing Committee RSVP to Convention 

If you are a member of an AUPE Standing Committee (and are NOT a delegate or alternate to the 2023 Convention), please fill out this form to RSVP your attendance at the Convention as a member of a Standing Committee no later than Aug.31.  

Life Member RSVP to Convention 

Please fill out this form if you are a Life Member of AUPE and are interested in attending the 2023 AUPE Convention.  

Please submit the form no later than Sept. 29. 

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