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Nominate coworkers for the Recognition of Activism Leadership Award!

AUPE’s Young Activist Committee wants to recognize contributions of young organizers

May 21, 2021

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Update: The nomination period for the RALY award has been extended until July 31. Nominate your co-workers with the form below!

The Young Activists Committee of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees is accepting nominations for the Recognition of Activism Leadership in Youth (RALY) award!

With this award, the committee aims to highlight the next generation of labour leaders and the essential role young activists play within the labour movement. As a union, we strive to provide young organizers with the tools they need to win for everyone on the shop floor and permanently improve work. The award honours young activists for effectively organizing their sites.

Eligible nominees must be AUPE members under 30 years old (when nominated) who’ve made significant contributions to their union, whether by leading their colleagues at the worksite or working to make AUPE structures more inclusive to young members. Nominees will have shown important leadership skills and a dedication to the principles of organized labour.  

The Young Activists Committee will be accepting nominations until July 1 and present the award on August 12, the United Nations as International Youth Day, which recognizes young activists improving their communities worldwide.  

Over the past year, we have clearly seen how important it is to get organized. We’ve  lived through a once-in-a-century pandemic, and frontline workers have been disproportionately harmed by government inaction. We know that the only way to keep ourselves safe at work is to organize.  

Young activists in worksites across Alberta have done an excellent job keeping themselves and their co-workers safe, not for awards or recognition, but for justice. On behalf of all working Albertans, we want to recognize, even in a small way, these important contributions.  

Young workers need to know that others see their activism and get inspired to act because of it.  And every worker in Alberta is safer for it.

You can find the nomination form at the bottom of this member update. Any member or group of members can submit a nomination—they do not have to pass through your AUPE local council, but the committee encourages you to discuss nomination ideas at your local council meetings if that’s possible. You can send the completed nomination form to before July 1.

Update: The nomination period for the RALY award has been extended until July 31. Nominate your co-workers with the form below!

Our union is only as strong as its members—and our union’s future is only as strong as our young activists. Let’s celebrate the work of young organizers!

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