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Medicine Hat College negotiations moving to informal mediation

Bargaining update for AUPE members employed by Medicine Hat College, March 2022

Mar 08, 2022

No agreement reached on monetary items

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Your negotiating team met with the employer on March 3, 2022, to continue negotiations on the outstanding non-monetary items and to exchange our monetary proposals.

We are happy to report nearly all non-monetary and monetary rollbacks proposed have been withdrawn by the Employer and we have signed off on current language (Article 9 Hours of Work). 

Although we have signed off nearly all non-monetary items, we are seeking help of a third party to get us across the finish line and present a tentative agreement to the membership. We appreciate your patience through this round of negotiations.
Outstanding non-monetary items

There are only a few outstanding non-monetary items outstanding which we believe will be resolved at mediation there are as follows:

  • Article 3 – Application of the Agreement
  • Article 7 – Wage Rates

We believe we will be able to reach an agreement on the above with further conversation and negotiation.
Non-monetary items at an impasse

  • Article 25 - Layoff and Recall
  • NEW Article 25(a) – Position Abolishment

We have done our best to meet the needs of the Employer and understanding their needs when it comes to this sensitive issue. However, we have received a clear mandate from you with the survey sent out and want to protect seniority rights when it comes to this worst-case scenario of position abolishment’s
Monetary Items
There has been a pattern in bargaining at other tables where employers offer something close to the deal recently ratified between the Government of Alberta and its direct employees, who belong to AUPE.
We received an offer that was almost identical, although without provisions for job security and without the gain share increase we have seen at other post-secondary tables.
Employer proposal:

  • 4-year term from July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2024
  • 1.25% wage increase effective July 1, 2023
  • 1.50% wage increase effective December 1, 2023
  • Status quo on all other articles that contain Premiums, Overtime Rates of Pay, etc.

It has become clear that the behind the scenes, the government is involved in bargaining at all post-secondary institutions. It has created a secret mandate intended to limit what colleges and universities can offer to workers. This mandate fails to take into account each institution’s financial resources.
In light of this, your negotiating team put forward a monetary offer that would not cost the employer much and did not even equate to a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase, despite the high levels of inflation we see today. It is a reasonable offer and we call on the Board of Governors at Medicine Hat College to accept it.
Your negotiating team proposal:

  • 4-year term from July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2024
  • Modest increase to the weekend premium and shift differential.
  • Changes to Article 16 Leave of Absences and Special Leaves, looking to clear up language in clause 16.07 and flexibility in using the five days.
  • A minor change in Article 22 Annual Vacation Leave of when you would receive your 6th week of vacation.
  • A proposal on the cost sharing of the dental plan, which if accepted would put money in your pockets each pay period.
  • Modest increase to the Health and Wellness Account that would bring us on par with other institutions across Alberta.
  • Wage Proposal:
    • Year 1 (July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021) - 0% increase.
    • Year 2 (July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022) – 1% retroactive to July 1, 2021 and a $800 lump-sum payment date of ratification.
    • Year 3 (July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023) - 1.75% increase.
    • Year 4 (July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024) - 1.95% increase.

We made the Employer aware how important it is for our members to receive some sort of monetary increase in 2022 due to the previous 2 years of Covid and the rising cost of inflation. Unfortunately, they are answering to the government and have no room to bargain the monetary items.
Otherwise, this round of bargaining has gone smoothly, the Employer has been cordial and willing to listen to the concerns brought forward by your negotiating team.
It is extremely important that your contact information is up to date so that we can keep you updated and informed. Please complete the Member Information Update Form to ensure we have your most up-to-date info.
We understand the bargaining process is long and frustrating at times and we would like to thank all the members for their continued patience and support as your negotiating team looks to get the best deal possible for you.
Please do not hesitate to contact your negotiating team if you have any questions or concerns.
In Solidarity,
Your negotiating team
AUPE Medicine Hat College negotiating committee
Lana West:
Dean Studer:
Chrissie Mather:
AUPE staff resources
Christian Tetreault, negotiator:  
Scott Drake, organizer:
Terry Inigo-Jones, communications:


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