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Masterpiece Southland Meadows—Take your bargaining survey!

Bargaining for first collective agreement coming soon—let’s get prepared

Apr 20, 2021

Bargaining Update: Local 048 Chapter 050

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Negotiations for your first collective agreement are approaching. You’ve already elected the co-workers you wish to amplify your voice at the bargaining table. Now it’s time to get ready for bargaining, and to tell your negotiating team what you want to prioritize in bargaining. 

What would improve your working conditions? What would make Masterpiece Southland Meadows a fairer workplace? Do you have any concerns with current working conditions? You bargaining committee needs to know your perspective, so they can bring it to the table. Our first dates at the bargaining table will be on July 22 and 23.

Fill out the survey before May 17 to have your say.  The survey is attached at the bottom of this bargaining update.

By filling out this brief survey, you’re arming your elected representatives with your priorities  for your first contract. The more responses they receive, the stronger your negotiating committee will be at the bargaining table.

With the results of the survey, your negotiating committee will identify our priorities, and create written proposals to negotiate your first collective agreement. We will keep all responses to the survey confidential. Don’t read or complete the survey during work hours.  

The survey will be open until May 17, 2021. Please complete it before then, and don’t forget to send it to your co-workers to get their input as well. Feel free to contact the negotiating committee if you have any questions—their contact information is at the bottom of this update.

First contracts are extremely important—they set the tone for the future of your workplace, and for all negotiations that follow. They’re sometimes hard, but when we win, we can win big. And we can win—the next step in that direction is filling out this survey.

Together we can push for the protections we deserve, but your negotiating team needs your frontline expertise to help steer the direction of our bargaining with Masterpiece Southland Meadows. Your experience as workers, and your ability to act together as a united front, are the most important assets that we have at the bargaining table. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your negotiations committee with any questions, comments, or feedback. 

Negotiations Committee
Milly Masclarin – cell 403-977-0138
Gailyn Macdonald – cell: 403-977-8818
Erin Turcotte – cell: 403-878-0818

AUPE Staff Resources
Membership Services Officer - Angela Regnier –
Organizer – Jaime Urbina –
Negotiator - Christian Tetreault -
Communications Officer—Jon Milton—

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  • Bargaining updates


  • Masterpiece Southland Meadows—Take your bargaining survey!


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