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Bargaining Update: AHS GSS bargaining meetings scheduled

Our next bargaining meetings have been scheduled for May 19, 27, and 28, and then June 11 and 15.

Apr 16, 2021

Bargaining dates are set

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In the last AHS GSS bargaining update, your negotiating team let you know we rejected AHS’s offer to extend the last Memorandum of Agreement. Because we rejected it, we can now get back to bargaining as usual. 

Our next bargaining meetings with the employer are scheduled for May 19, 27, and 28, and then June 11 and 15. 

Supporting members 

Your negotiating team is fired up and ready to get back to the bargaining table. General Support Services members have worked tirelessly during the pandemic, and it’s time the employer recognizes how important we are to the front-line health care services Albertans depend on. The UCP government’s threats and attacks have only made us more determined to fight for a fair contract for Alberta’s health care heroes. 

But even heroes get hurt sometimes, and it’s okay to ask for help. We work stressful jobs, and our work and lives have been made even harder because of COVID-19. That’s why AUPE offers free counselling for AUPE members and their families. 

If you are experiencing intense anxiety or vulnerability, call AUPE’s Crisis Support Service line at 1-844-744-7026. Free, confidential help is available for AUPE members and their immediate family members (spouses and children). This service is available to you even if your crisis is not work-related. 

Sign up for AHS GSS news and updates 

Create your own personal MyAUPE account on to make sure you receive all AHS GSS bargaining news and important union updates. You will also need a MyAUPE account to participate in this year’s annual general meetings and elections, so be sure to sign up to get more involved in our union! 

Please talk to your negotiating team members or AUPE resource staff if you have any questions. Contact your Local’s negotiating representatives to see how you can get involved and make sure you and your co-workers are informed. We are here to support you. 

AHS GSS Negotiating Team

Local 054 

Julie Woodford -   

Charity Hill (A) - 

Local 056   

Tammy Lanktree – 

Local 057   

Darren Graham -   

Wendy Kicia (A) -  

Local 058   

Anton Schindler -   

Dave Ibach (A) -  

Local 095   

Stacey Ross - 

Dusan Milutinovic (A) -  

Lamont Health Care Centre GSS  

Jessica Kroeker -  

Carol Palichuk - 


AUPE Resource Staff for AHS GSS  

Chris Dickson, Lead Negotiator -   

Jason Rattray, Negotiator -   

Farid Iskandar, Organizer -   

Kate Jacobson, Organizer -   

Darcy Thiessen, Organizer – 

Alexander Delorme, Communications - 


News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • Bargaining Update: AHS GSS bargaining meetings scheduled
  • Bargaining Update: AHS GSS bargaining meetings scheduled
  • Bargaining Update: AHS GSS bargaining meetings scheduled
  • Bargaining Update: AHS GSS bargaining meetings scheduled
  • Bargaining Update: AHS GSS bargaining meetings scheduled


  • Health care

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