AUPE Member Resource Centre 1-800-232-7284

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Hey, Where’s My Bargaining Survey?

Bargaining surveys are an important part of the negotiating process.

Nov 01, 2023

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As we prepare for this unprecedented year of bargaining, AUPE has recently emailed surveys to the thousands of members in bargaining units that are scheduled for bargaining in 2024.  

Bargaining surveys are an important part of the negotiating process. The responses AUPE receives from its members help us prioritize the issues which matter most to members on the job. 

In most cases, bargaining surveys are emailed directly to each member, but some Locals may choose to use paper surveys at an AGM or event gathering. We ask all members to complete their survey only once. 

If you have not yet received your bargaining survey, there could be a few different reasons why: 

  1. We don’t have your email address 

    If you’ve never received an email from AUPE, it is likely that we do not have your current email address.

    The best way to ensure AUPE has your personal email address is to create a MyAUPE account. Creating a MyAUPE account also gives you access to a personalized AUPE website experience, making it easier to keep up to date with union news that matters to you.

    You will need your 6-digit member ID to create a MyAUPE account. If you don’t know your member ID or have any other questions when creating your account, please contact the AUPE Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284.

  2. We have the wrong email address 

    If you had given us your email address, it may not have been your personal email address. We ask members to provide a personal email because workplace inboxes can be shared with others or changed without notice.

  3. Your bargaining survey might be waiting for you in your “Junk” or “Spam” folder 

    In most cases, you can right-click on an email in your junk/spam folder and create a rule or filter to always send emails from AUPE to your inbox.

You can always update your contact information by calling the Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284. Be sure to have your member ID handy and tell them that you did not receive your bargaining survey.  

Staff at AUPE are trained to keep your information confidential. We do this by restricting access to member record requests and following Alberta’s Personal Information Privacy Act (PIPA). 

Thank you for your participation. 

In Solidarity, 

Your AUPE Negotiating Teams 

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  • Member update