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Have Your Say: AUPE’s Alberta Election 2023 Survey

AUPE's Committee on Political Action (COPA) Election 2023 Survey

Jan 11, 2023

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AUPE's Committee on Political Action (COPA) is preparing for the 2023 Alberta election, and we want all AUPE members to have their say. Take our one-minute survey to help COPA focus on the issues that matter to you. 

Take The Survey 

The deadline to complete this survey is Friday, February 17. 

COPA launched this survey at AUPE's 2022 convention, where 267 delegates participated. According to the survey results, 93% of delegates voted in the 2019 election and 97% plan to vote in the 2023 election. COPA is excited to see so many members engaging in the democratic process and voting in our important provincial elections. 

The survey results showed that 54% of delegates prioritize protecting publicly delivered services above other issues at the ballot box. Another 27% of delegates said advocating for workers’ rights is their top priority. 

Now all AUPE members have the chance to take the survey! 

Knowing the issues that matter to members helps COPA advocate for you. We encourage all members to complete the survey so that we understand your priorities. Your participation will help guide our activism when it’s time for the next Alberta election in May 2023. 

Remember to complete the survey by Feb. 17 to have your say. 

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  • Member update


  • Political action committee