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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Grievances over AHS discipline for Oct. 26/20 incidents settled

Arbitrator issues Directive in response to grievances for members at Alberta Health Services for discipline related to Oct. 26/20 incidents

Mar 11, 2022

Arbitrator Wallace's Directive takes effect immediately

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As you know, we have been fighting to overturn or eliminate the Letters of Warning and one-day suspensions that were meted out by Alberta Health Services following incidents which occurred Oct. 26, 2020.  
The Union filed 732 individual grievances and two group grievances contesting the discipline. Last year, we successfully pushed back against AHS’s attempt at the Alberta Labour Relations Board to shut down these grievances before they had a chance to be heard.

We are happy to report that on Mar. 1, 2022, Arbitrator Les Wallace issued a Directive (you can download a copy here)ordering AHS to immediately withdraw all of the above-mentioned Letters of Warning and one-day suspensions from the personnel files of the Grievors. Arbitrator Wallace’s Directive has immediate effect.  
As a result, the purpose of the grievances has been achieved and the Union will be closing the files. 

If you were one of the named Grievors, a letter with this information and a copy of Arbitrator Wallace’s Directive has been mailed to the address we have on file.  
We thank all members for their patience as these matters worked their way to resolution. 



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