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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Extendicare Bargaining Update: Get ready to fight back!

Bargaining update for Extendicare members, Locals 047/005, 006, 021, 023, 045 and 048/005, 012, 013

Aug 27, 2021

Bargaining continues – Get ready to fight back!

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Your negotiating team met with the employer on August 24 and 25 to continue collective bargaining.

We signed off on the following non-monetary Articles:

  • Article 4 – Union Dues Deduction
  • Article 5 – Time off for Union Business
  • NEW Article – Privacy
  • NEW Letter of Understanding – Review of Scheduling Practices
  • Letter of Understanding #5 – Vacation

However, Extendicare refused to take back their insulting monetary proposals, which includes a -4% wage rollback and huge reductions to your sick time pay and benefits.

Extendicare says we have to take pay cuts, but they seem to have lots of money to pay their shareholders and give big bonuses to managers. This is insulting. Your negotiating team will NOT agree to Extendicare’s cuts.

Take action to support your negotiating team!

Extendicare’s proposals are unacceptable. First, they called us heroes, but now we know they think we’re zeroes. It’s time for all of us to fight back!

We are preparing materials to share this injustice with our fellow members, residents, their families, and all Albertans. We are also organizing rallies so we can show support for our negotiating team and that we reject Extendicare’s cuts.

So far, we are planning these rallies for us to join on our non-work time:

Eau Claire Edmonton

  • Friday, September 24 at 2:30 PM

Hillscrest Calgary

  • Friday, October 1 at 11:30 AM

Michener Hill Red Deer

  • Tuesday, October 5 at 2:30 PM

Fairmont Park Lethbridge

  • Wednesday, October 6 at 11:00 AM

Your negotiating team and AUPE Resource Staff are here to help YOU. Together, we can fight back and beat the cuts Extendicare wants us to take.

Please contact a member of your team or AUPE Resource Staff members if you have any questions.

Extendicare Negotiating Team

Katie Seaward (Athabasca) - or 780-676-0884

Kathy Findlater (Cedars Villa) - 403-606-5044 (c) or 403-271-8740 (h)

Natasha Ng (Eaux Claires) - or 780-938-1404

Theresa Lawrence (Fairmont) - or 403-308-3345

Judith Cseresnyes (Holyrood) - or 780-945-7647

Paul McDowell (Mayerthorpe) - or 780-268-4110

Mike Peterson (Michener Hill) - or 587-877-6587

AUPE Resource Staff

Jason Rattray, Negotiator -

Jaime Urbina, Organizer -

Margaret Kapuwa, Organizer –

Alexander Delorme, Communications -

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 047 - Continuing Care Separate Employers North
  • 048 - Continuing Care Separate Employers South


  • Health care

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