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Covenant Health Nursing Care Negotiations Progress

Bargaining Update for Covenant Health Nursing Care Locals 040 and 046

Jun 06, 2022

Negotiating team has pushed hard for meaningful changes

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As reported in our last update, we continue to make progress at the bargaining table. When we met with the employer on June 1 and 2, 2022 your negotiating team worked very hard, and we were able to sign off on several articles and Letters of Understanding (LOUs).

Article 1: Term of Collective Agreement – 4 years - until 2024

Article 7: In-Service Programs and Professional Development – current language

Article 8: Probationary Period/Orientation – current language

Article 9: Seniority – removal of seniority language in 9.01(d) that allows AHS members to port their seniority over to Covenant Health

Article 12: Hours of Work – current language

Article 15: Notice of Subcontracting - current language

Article 18: Temporary Assignments - current language

Article 25: Sick Leave – see below

Article 27: Leave of Absence – see below

Article 28: Pension Plan – current language

Article 36: Health and Safety – amended to include Work Place Violence Prevention Strategies

Article 45: Professional Fees – reduction in hours required to be eligible for claiming professional fees from 809 hours down to 720 hours

LOU#6: Health Care Aide Classification – Deleted 

Keeping in mind that none of these changes to the collective bargaining agreement take effect until we reach a tentative agreement, and that agreement is ratified by both members and the employer, we want to highlight two specific examples of the improvements we have been able to negotiate on your behalf:

Sick Leave

25.07 (a)         If an Employee requires time off for the purpose of attending a dental, physiotherapy, optical or medical appointment, provided the Employeehas been given prior authorization by the Employer, such absence shall be neither charged against their accumulated sick leave, nor shall the Employee suffer any loss of income provided such absence does not exceed two (2) hours during one (1) working day. If the absence is longer than two (2) hours, the whole period of absence shall be charged against their accumulated sick leave.


Leaves of Absences

27.08 (c)         Personal Leave Days may be taken in half or full day increments based on a seven point seven-five (7.75) hour day. 

Our next bargaining dates are scheduled for July 14 and 15, 2022 and we are optimistic that we will continue to make progress. Your negotiating team is committed to working hard and is determined to negotiate the collective bargaining agreement that you deserve. We will update you further after our next bargaining dates. 

If you have coworkers who are not receiving these bargaining updates in their personal e-mail inboxes, please encourage them to visit info to ensure that they receive news about bargaining in a timely manner.

Please contact a member of your negotiating team if you have any questions about this bargaining update.


Local 040
Kathy Bandmann
Beverley Hill

Local 046
Mary Watson
Laura Johnstone


Chris Dickson Negotiations
Kate Robinson Negotiations
Scott Drake Organizing
Christine Yargeau-Becker Organizing
Mimi Williams Communications

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 040 - Covenant ANC and GSS
  • 046 - AHS and Covenant Edmonton Zone ANC


  • Health care

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