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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Covenant Health General Support Services: Negotiations moving along

Bargaining Update Covenant Health GSS 040/001, 004-010 Negotiations moving along; Your bargaining team pleased with tone and pace 

Feb 18, 2022

Your bargaining team pleased with tone and pace  

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After the most recent round of bargaining, on Feb. 14 and 18, we can report that both sides are approaching matters with respect, and this is helping negotiations move along at a good pace. 
We are happy to report that the employer has withdrawn some of its monetary rollbacks. As a result, we signed off on the following articles with current language:
Article 8 – Staff Development and Meetings (Covenant Health withdrew their proposal which included a rollback of compensation for travel and rate of pay when attending training).   

Article 15 – Overtime (Covenant Health withdrew their proposal which included reducing OT to 1.5X for the first 4 hours from 2X all hours now and the removal of 3X pay on Super-Stats). 

LOU #1 – Mutual Agreement to Adjust FTEs (Covenant Health withdrew their proposal to delete the clause which requires the balance of the FTE that is left over to be kept in the bargaining unit). 

LOU #12 – Alternate Dispute Resolution Process  

The following articles were signed off with minor changes:  

Article 11 – Performance Appraisals    

Article 12 – Job Postings
LOU #2 – Joint Committee    

At our next scheduled bargaining dates, Mar. 3 and 4, 2022, we will begin talking about classification issues.   

Your negotiating team continues to appreciate your patience and support as we work towards getting you a fair collective agreement that recognizes the important work you do. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to a member of your negotiating team. 

AUPE Negotiating Team - Covenant Health GSS   

Lorie Christenson - 
Corey Kucher - 
Christee Langkamp -

AUPE Resource Staff   

Chris Dickson, Negotiator - 
Kate Robinson, Negotiator – 
Scott Drake, Organizing – 
Mimi Williams, Communications -

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 040 - Covenant ANC and GSS


  • Health care

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