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Masterpiece Southland Meadows—Tentative Agreement Reached!

Negotiations team recommends you vote YES

Feb 18, 2022

Bargaining Update Masterpiece Southland Meadows Local 048, Chapter 050

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Correction: In a previous version of this update, your negotiations team said that, under the proposed agreement, a 1.25 per cent retroactive pay increase would go back to April 1, 2021. In fact, the increase would begin on the date of ratification. Your negotiations team regrets the error.

Your AUPE negotiations team at Masterpiece Southland Meadows has been hard at work trying to get you a first collective agreement over the past months. Bargaining has gone quite smoothly, due to the dedication of your negotiations team and the employer’s willingness to listen. Today, we’re happy to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement!

That means that your negotiations team has come to what we believe to be a fair agreement with the employer—an agreement we will be sending to you, in full, shortly. From there, you will have a chance to vote on whether or not you want to adopt it as our first collective agreement. 

The agreement, if adopted, would last 3 and a half years—beginning retroactively on Oct. 16, 2020. From that date until Dec. 31, 2021, there would be zero per cent pay increase, followed by a 1.25 per cent pay increase beginning on the date of ratification. The third year would see a 1.25 per cent increase for LPNs, and a one per cent pay increase for HCAs.

Beyond the pay increases, there is much more to the proposed deal, including:

  • Evening shift differentials will increase by 55 cents per hour (coming to $2.55 per hour) for LPNs, and by 20 cents per hour (coming to $1.70 per hour) for HCAs. 
  • Night differentials for LPNs would also increase from $3 to $3.50 per hour. 
  • A new $400 annual Flex Spending Account.
  • All employees who work on statutory holidays paid at 2.5 times their normal rate of pay.
  • Overtime pay at double your normal rate of pay.
  • Twelve sick days per year, with the possibility of banking up to 120 sick days.
  • LPN professional fees paid by the employer, up to $350 per year.

Along with these significant monetary improvements, your negotiations team did agree to roll back the employer-matched RRSP contributions—which was only being used by less than half of employees on site—from three per cent to 1.5 per cent. 

Your negotiations team believes that this is a strong first collective agreement—one that will lay the groundwork for further gains in the future. That’s why the team is recommending that you vote YES to adopt the agreement. 

Voting will take place on March 17, 2022, at the worksite. We will provide you with more details, and the full tentative agreement, shortly. Remember to talk to your co-workers about this, and make sure that they’re aware of what’s going on! Just remember—don’t have union conversations on employer-paid time. Do so on unpaid breaks, or outside of your work hours.

In the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out to members of your negotiations team with any questions, comments, or feedback. Let’s bring this across the finish line!

Negotiations Team 

Kelcee Kleiner  

Gailyn Macdonald – cell: 403-977-8818 

AUPE Staff Resources 

Christian Tetreault, Negotiator – 

Angela Regnier, Membership Services Officer - 

Jaime Urbina, Organizer – 

Jon Milton, Communications Officer -

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  • Bargaining updates




  • Health care

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