AUPE’s 46th annual Convention wrapped up on Saturay, October 28. Delegates worked their way through all of the scheduled Convention business, with several delegates reporting this to be one of the most well-run Conventions they have attended.
Delegates received reports from the Anti-Privatization Committee, Environmental Committee, Committee on Political Action, as well as the Pay and Social Equity Committee.
We debated several resolutions from these committees, including two resolutions that we did not have time to discuss on Day 2. These include a resolution from the Environmental Committee to provide education and communications to members about climate change; two resolutions from the Pay and Social Equity Committee to provide education about wage equity to our negotiating teams as well as endorsing the principle of a living wage for all members; and two resolutions from the Women’s Committee, which resolved to pressure all orders of government to reinstate the independent Office of the Seniors Advocate, a moratorium on private, for-profit long-term care, as well as greater direct care hours Albertans receive in continuing care settings.
We ended the day with the swearing-in of AUPE’s new Executive Committee. Congratulations once again to the elected Executive as well as all Convention delegates for their tireless work on behalf of our union.
We all know 2024 is going to be a momentous year for our union, as nearly 82,000 members are going to renew collective bargaining with their employers. The work we do and the solidarity we experience at Convention is yet another step towards achieving success for all AUPE members at the negotiating table. The work begins now.