Delegates began day two of Convention by electing AUPE’s new Executive team.
Congratulations to AUPE’s newly elected Executive:
Guy Smith
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Justin Huseby
Six Vice-Presidents
Sandra Azocar
Bobby-Joe Borodey
James Gault
Bonnie Gostola
Darren Graham
Curtis Jackson
Thanks also to the 14 other candidates that stood for election for the Executive Committee. It’s a sign that our democracy is strong and vibrant, and the delegate had a lot of different perspectives to choose from. By using the Election Buddy electronic voting platform, this was one of our most efficient elections ever. This left a lot of time for further union business, including reports from the Members’ Benefits Committee, Human Rights Committee, Occupational Health and Safety Committee, Pension Committee, and Membership Services Committee.
Delegates debated six Constitutional resolutions as well as a general resolution brought forward by the Women’s Committee. The general resolution resolves that the Women’s Committee prioritize a comprehensive plan to address domestic violence. Convention gave our guest speaker, Burt Blundon, President of the National Union of Public and General employees, a warm welcome and enthusiastically received his message of solidarity.
We then celebrated our union’s newest life members. Life Membership is one of the highest honours AUPE can bestow in recognition of members’ activism and dedication to our union.
Congratulations to AUPE’s newest Life Members:
Deborah (Debbie) Gordon, Local 046
Elizabeth (Betty) Hansen, Local 041
Lynne Hansen, Local 056
Sandra (Sandy) Kyle, Local 046
Marcia O’Connor, Local 002
Kenneth Podulsky, Locals 005 & 012
Andrea Waywanko, Local 002
Kenneth Weir, Local 004
Myrna Wright, Locals 041& 044
See you Saturday for the final day of Convention 2023!