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Convention Notes – Day 1 

A summary of the first day of AUPE's 46th annual Convention

Oct 26, 2023

Convention delegates sing and play along to Solidarity Forever

AUPE’s 46th annual Convention kicked off with energy and excitement. As our Convention theme states, “Union Power Starts With Us All!”

We started off, as we always do, by adopting our agenda, the presentation of Locals, and the President’s Address. President Guy Smith reaffirmed the union’s focus on the upcoming year of bargaining, when approximately 82,000 members will enter negotiations with their employers.

The union’s negotiating teams will focus on key issues such as wage increases, job security, staffing levels, improved benefits and mental health supports.

“Almost the entire union will be going into bargaining with the same, or very similar, demands on these key issues,” Smith said in his address.

Following the President’s Address, each member of the Executive delivered their Officer’s Report. Day 1 of Convention saw the adoption of the Finance Committee’s report, accepting the financial statements, approving the budget, and the defeat of a motion to raise dues.

Delegates also participated in Election Buddy training, a first for Convention. We are using Election Buddy this year for our many important votes, including the election of AUPE’s next Executive, which will take place Friday morning.

Candidates for President are:

Bimal Sharma

Guy Smith

Candidates for Executive Secretary-Treasurer are:

Ron Fernandes

Valerie Hannack

Justin Huseby

Percy Ogden

Harpreet Parhar

Candidates for Vice-President are:

Sandra Azocar

Bobby-Joe Borodey

Shamanthi Cooray

Steve Eagles

Judy Fader

James Gault

Bonnie Gostola

Darren Graham

Paulette Harrison

Curtis Jackson

Danielle Kiesman

Jessica Philp

Jennifer Power

Laura Sadler

Merle Terlesky

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