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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Convention 2021 is a wrap!

Four days of digital democracy ignite robust conversation and member-driven change

Dec 04, 2021

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It’s been another great day of solidarity and fantastic debate. This morning the Human Rights Committee presented Constitutional Resolution 1-5, which amends the union’s statement of equality. This resolution reads:

WHEREAS the AUPE Statement of Equality outlines the minimum parameters for inclusive and fulsome participation in AUPE meetings, events, and activities; and

WHEREAS we need to recognize the necessity of incorporating gender neutral language into our lives; and

WHEREAS every human being has an obligation to not only abstain, but also condemn inappropriate behaviour that infringes on the human rights of themselves and others;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Statement of Equality in the AUPE Constitution be removed and replaced with the following:


AUPE is committed that our functions will be protective of individuals’ rights to contribute. Participants are expected to challenge and debate issues and not individuals. Participants shall engage in behaviours that are respectful of others race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity or occupation.

Behaviours that undermine participation such as harassment; racism; sexism; rude or crude remarks, take away from the rights of individuals to play a part in AUPE activities.

We encourage members to call each other “brother” and “sister”. In doing so we promote our own solidarity and equality.

If you feel your rights are being violated, and you are not able to address it, talk to one of the AUPE staff or officers to assist you in dealing with your concerns.

Equality and equity are core union values, and as such AUPE is committed to ensuring that individuals can meaningfully participate and contribute to union activities. Participants are expected to challenge and debate issues and not individuals, as well as engage in behaviours that protect and celebrate our diversity.

AUPE will neither condone or tolerate behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of an individual or create an intimidating, hostile, or unsafe environment that interferes with the ability of others to participate in union activities. These behaviours prevent us from working together to strengthen our union.

We encourage individuals to acknowledge discrimination and harassment by challenging or reporting inappropriate behaviour in doing so we promote our own solidarity and equality.

If you feel your rights, or the rights of others are being violated, and you are not able to address it, please seek assistance from an AUPE staff member or officer.

Delegates also passed Resolution 1-6:

WHEREAS AUPE’s strategic plan includes engaging members at all levels i.e. worksite, Chapter and Local; and

WHEREAS the need for groups to conduct meetings via video conference has become apparent in the last year;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Article 13.06 be amended as follows:

13.06   (a) Where the President or a majority of the Executive Committee deems it advisable, the President shall call a Provincial Executive meeting which may be held by telephone conference call or video conference. Any business transacted by the Provincial Executive in this manner will have the same force as a motion regularly passed at a meeting. The quorum for proceedings under this section will be the same as for a regular meeting.

(b) In an emergency situation, where it is not possible to convene a meeting, or a telephone conference call meeting or a video conference meeting, a telephone or email roll call vote without conference call may be conducted. The quorum for a telephone or email roll call vote shall be seventy-five percent (75%) to be considered valid and must be ratified at the next meeting of the Provincial Executive.

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Article 14.05 be amended as follows:

14.05   (a) Where the President deems it advisable to do so, the President may call an Executive Committee meeting which may be held by telephone conference call or video conference. Any business transacted by the Executive Committee in this manner will have the same force as a motion regularly passed at a meeting. The quorum for proceedings under this section will be the same as for a regular meeting.

(b) Where it is not possible to convene a meeting, or a telephone conference call meeting or a video conference meeting, a telephone roll call vote without conference call may be conducted. The quorum for a telephone roll call vote shall be seventy-five percent (75%) to be considered valid and must be ratified at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

After resolutions were presented, the Finance Committee presented their report, Budget 2021/2022 was passed, the Executive was sworn in and Convention was adjourned. We might not have been able to meet in person this year, but our collective power was as strong as ever. This was a good four days of democracy and an exciting look at the future of our union as we head into 2022.

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