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*Memo of Agreement Reached* Your bargaining team has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the employer.

Mar 22, 2019

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Agreement Details

This is a three year agreement with 0% wage increases in the first two years and a wage reopener in the third year. Like similar agreements throughout the province, the agreement includes the option for interest arbitration if we do not agree on a third year wage adjustment by November 30, 2019.

There are a number of changes and improvements in this tentative agreement. Here are some of the changes that matter to you:

• You will have no less than 10 hours off between work periods, except in extenuating circumstances;

• Acting Appointment provisions shall come into effect after an Employee has been designated and is performing the majority of duties of the higher level position for a period of 4 weeks, reduced from 6;

• Language added to prevent supervisors from denying overtime after the fact if the overtime was a result of unforeseeable circumstances for which it was not possible to receive authorization ahead of time;

• Time Off in Lieu will be calculated at the applicable overtime rate, and can now be taken within 6 months instead of 4;

• Your Health Spending Account previously existed as a Letter of Agreement. It has now become a full, standalone Article in the Collective Agreement;

• If contracting out becomes necessary, the Employer will notify the Union and Employee at least 90 calendar days in advance of the change, up from 60;

• New and better language regarding Position Abolishment as well as Lay-Off and Recall;

• Tuition Waiver entitlement is now a maximum of 9 credits per fiscal year, instead of the previous limit of three 3 credits per term. We also have new language indicating the maximum entitlement shall be 2 courses per term for you and 1 course per term for your immediate family (spouse, including common-law or same gender partner; biological or adopted child and spouse or partner's biological or adopted child);

• Effective July 1, 2020, Personal Development Funding increased from $119,280 per fiscal year to $140,000;

• A new Letter of Understanding identifying process for Temporary and Permanent FTE Adjustments, initiated by either the Employee or Employer;

• A better Respect in the Workplace Article, including definitions of harassment and bullying as well as language ensuring "to the extent possible, investigations will be concluded within ninety (90) days from the date of the complaint;

• Clarity regarding union dues remittances;

• Amended language to describe the functions of Employee Management Advisory Committees (EMAC);

• Position descriptions will now be reviewed by the College and the incumbent Employee at least every 3 years;

• Better language for the Performance Management Article to change focus and process to that of Performance Evaluation;

• Amended language in Disciplinary Procedure Article to accurately reflect intent and present practice;

• Carry over of vacation entitlement, from one vacation year to the next, is now a maximum of 10 days;

• New: Bereavement Leave can be substituted for Vacation Leave if a member of your immediate family passes away while you are off on Vacation.

• Benefits (dental, extended health care, LTDI) are mandatory for Permanent Employees, provided they do not have a break in service in excess of 4 months.

Your bargaining committee is dedicated to keeping you informed throughout the entire negotiations process. Please do not hesitate to contact a member of your committee or AUPE resource staff with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.

Please update your contact information so you don’t miss out on important bargaining updates by visiting:


Terry Oakley

Alicia Cafferata-Arnett

Joseph Fittes


Dwight Oler


Terry Luhoway Negotiator

Farris Sobhani Organizing

Alexander Delorme Communications

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