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Bargaining Update: Legal Aid Alberta, 118/018 & 019

Legal Aid staff prepare for rally after mediation begins

Dec 18, 2019

Staff prepare for rally after mediation begins

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At the end of November our union met with Legal Aid Alberta (LAA) for a resolution conference to address our bad faith bargaining unfair complaint at the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB).
At the conference, we mutually agreed to postpone hearings for the complaint while we try mediation, where we will have a third party assist in the bargaining process. On Dec. 4 and 5, we started mediation, and we were able to come to agreement in principle on most outstanding items.
However, one crucial sticking point remains: job security for the life of the collective agreement. LAA’s reason for pushing back against this protection is that they’re not done implementing their careless Redesign Program, which has already led to upheaval and increased staff turnaround since it started.
Right now this is the only key issue preventing us from moving forward toward an improved collective agreement.
A Make-or-Break Issue
We will continue with mediation on Jan. 14. Although the Employer has indicated they are willing to move on other matters that would bring in some new protections and improvements to our collective agreement, without job security our whole livelihoods (and the quality of Alberta’s Legal Aid Services) remain up in the air.
Your bargaining team pointed out to the employer that our membership costs them less than ten per cent of their total expenditures – the frontlines are not the place to look for more “efficiencies” and “streamlining opportunities,” as they call it.

Making Noise
We’ll be making this clear to the employer on Jan. 13, at our rally outside the Edmonton LAA offices with other union members who play a crucial role in the justice system, and ally organizations whose clients depend on our services:

4:30 PM

Outside the Legal Aid offices
10320 102 Ave

Legal Aid is under attack. Alberta's justice system is in crisis. And we're not going to remain silent.

LAA (118/018 & 019) BARGAINING TEAM:
Jan Davidson-Carey 403-404-2307 or
Jamie Simmons 780-599-0098 or

Kyla Kociancic 780-566-8584 or
Michele Lucas 780-288-2535 or
Brooke Browning 780-297-4408 or

Merryn Edwards Negotiator,
Farris Sobhani Organizer, or 780-271-0728
Celia Shea Communications,

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 118 - Local Government and Agencies

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