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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Bargaining Update: Capital Care Nursing Care

*Memorandum of agreement between AUPE and Capital Care* On March 25, your bargaining committee, with the assistance of our mediator, reached a memorandum of

Apr 09, 2019

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Your committee is recommending acceptance of this agreement.

Bargaining with the employer has been drawn out and difficult since we began negotiations more than a year ago. But throughout the challenges, we have stuck together and your committee has pushed hard to achieve the best collective agreement possible for the critical work you do every day.


The “zero mandate” on wages was one of the biggest hurdles we faced in bargaining.

The mediator’s recommendation for wages is:

2017 - no wage adjustment

2018 - no wage adjustment

2019 - a “me too” agreement which will see a wage adjustment match whatever is agreed to during wage reopener negotiations between Alberta Health Services Nursing Care members and Alberta Health Services. Any salary increases will be effective July 1, 2019.

Language improvements:

The memorandum of agreement will see a number of improvements to important language items, including:

- A $100 increase to your flex spending account to $1,100 for eligible full-time employees, and pro-rated for each eligible part-time employee based on their FTE as of July 1, to designate the increase into the health spending side of the account.

- Improvements to the grievance procedure that will attempt to resolve issues prior to the submission of a written grievance.

- New Letter of Understanding regarding organizational alignment, which calls for “no involuntary loss of employment.” Members would remain whole, and where an employee is faced with a reduction to earnings or FTE, shortfalls would be remedied through any combination of FTE, Rate of Pay and Classification adjustments. This LOU is subject to the grievance procedure and arbitration provision. It would remain in effect until June 30, 2020.

- Letter of Understanding (LOU) - Workload appeal process: ongoing workload concerns would be dealt with through a new appeal process, with clear timelines to advance concerns up to the level of the site director.

- Recent changes to Occupational Health and Safety and Employment Standards laws have been applied.

- Named holidays: regular part-time and casual employees will be paid above their basic rate of pay 5% of their basic rate of pay.

- Dental fees will now reflect the actual rates dentists charge for dental services today, using the usual and customary dental fee schedule rather than the current dental fee guide.

- Respectful workplace/no discrimination language has been expanded in line with changes to OHS legislation, including timelines for the employer to respond to allegations of workplace harassment and discrimination.

- Letter of Understanding (LOU) – Contracting out: The employer agrees to meet with the union to discuss opportunities to minimize the effects of contracting out.

- Reimbursement for off site in-service travel costs (public transit, KMs, etc.)

- AB Blue Cross Supplementary Benefit Plan: 100% direct bill coverage for Intermittent Glucose Monitoring System and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device; hearing aid coverage (max. $500 per 24 months); increased coverage for certified addictions/drug counsellor (max. $50/visit to max $700 per benefit year)

- Leaves of absence updated in line with changes to Employment Standards to include maternity (including pregnancies other than those resulting in a live birth); parental (including adoption); compassionate care; critical illness; death or disappearance of a child; domestic violence.


Voting on the memorandum of agreement will take place April 23 - 25 at Capital Care worksites. Times and locations will be communicated soon.

The ballot count will occur April 26 at AUPE headquarters in Edmonton.

While your committee is recommending members vote in favour of these recommendations, ultimately the choice is yours. Please vote.

Your bargaining committee thanks you for the patience, support and participation you’ve shown throughout the bargaining process.

Please do not hesitate to contact a member of your bargaining committee with any questions you may have on the mediator’s recommendations for our next collective agreement.


Marlene Murtha -

Rhea Coughlan -

Elizabeth Csernayanszki -


Mac McNaughton Negotiator - or 780-930-3352

Michelle Szalynski Organizer – or 780-930-3388

Celia Shea Communications – or 780-930-3398

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  • Union updates


  • Health care

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