Take the Capital Care Nursing Care bargaining survey!
Your negotiating team needs you!
We are preparing for collective bargaining, and we need to hear what matters to you. Help us fight for a new contract that reflects your priorities by taking our bargaining survey.
If you are an AUPE member working in Capital Care Nursing Care, visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CCANC20 to take the survey.
The survey is open from September 9 – September 23.
Contact a member of your negotiating team or AUPE resource staff for more information.
CapitalCare Nursing Care Negotiating Team
Rhea Coughlan 780.961.4172 or headsup@live.ca
Marlene Murtha 780.901.7821 or marlenemurtha@gmail.com
Agnes Otayde 780.710.6580 or vinleanes@shaw.ca
Elizabeth Csernyanszki (A) 780.719.9680 or mikelizy@shaw.ca
Remedios Martinez-Rowe (A) 780.887.3066 or mhedee@shaw.ca
Tanja Brook (A) 780.953.9805 or tkbrook@shaw.ca
AUPE Resource Staff
Chris Dickson, Negotiator c.dickson@aupe.org
Trevor Zimmerman, Organizer t.zimmerman@aupe.org
Alexander Delorme, Communications a.delorme@aupe.org