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Bargaining begins

Update for Local 040 & Local 046, Covenant Health General Support Services

Mar 28, 2024

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The Covenant Health General Support Services negotiating team met with the employer on March 26 and 27 to begin bargaining. 

We discussed our proposals in a fairly respectful tone, but the employer’s proposals ultimately fall short of what members deserve. 

Covenant Health’s proposals 

The employer offered the same basic deal that other employers have offered AUPE members. They proposed a 4 year deal with rollbacks and the following wage adjustments: 

  • 2024: 2% 
  • 2025: 2% 
  • 2026: 1.75% 
  • 2027: 1.75% 

Covenant Health’s proposed rollbacks include: 

  • 12 months after transferring to a new position, you would lose red circling and make the wage of your new position instead of your former wage; 
  • No retro pay for former employees, including future wage increases; 
  • Covenant wants part time staff to work more than 6 shifts in a row, and/or more than 10 shifts in a two week period; 
  • Reduce the hours between shifts from 15.5 to 15; 
  • No recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, despite treating the day as a STAT in practice; 
  • Removing Letters of Understanding 13, 14, and 15. 

Covenant Health says it wants to be flexible and efficient, like most employers. but all that really means is worse working conditions for us. 

Your team’s proposals 

Job security is one of our top priorities. Members also identified raises as a top priority in our bargaining survey. 

Your team proposed a two-year deal with several job security proposals and the following wage raises: 

  • April 1, 2024: 25% 
  • April 1, 2025: 10% 

This 35% total wage increase reflects how valuable we are to Alberta’s health care system and is similar to proposals made by other health care unions in the province, including our fellow AUPE members in AHS GSS. 

Next steps 

Our next bargaining meetings are scheduled for April 11 and 12. We hope to continue productive conversations with the employer as we work towards a fair deal. 

Remember to wear red on April 11 to support your negotiating team! Members across the province are wearing red to show our employers that we are united in solidarity. Send pictures you take of you and your coworkers wearing red to and AUPE will share them on social media. 

Be sure you never miss a bargaining update. Ensure AUPE has your current contact information by visiting 

Covenant Health General Support Services Negotiating Team 

Jennifer Chornohos 

Corey Kucher 

Christee Langkamp 

Lorie Christenson (A) 

AUPE Resource Staff 

Chris Dickson, Lead Negotiator 

Kate Robinson, Negotiator

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 040 - Covenant NC & GSS


  • Health care

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