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AUPE’s Green New Deal webinar available to members!

Find out why a Green New Deal matters to AUPE members and all Albertans!

Oct 28, 2020

AUPE’s Green New Deal webinar available to members!

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AUPE hosted its first Why A Green New Deal Matters to AUPE Members live webinar on Tuesday, October 6. Now, this exciting learning opportunity is recorded and available for you to take on your own time.

You can watch the entire webinar on AUPE’s YouTube channel. Click here to watch the webinar. You can also take part in a member discussion forum by logging into AUPE’s online learning system here.

This was an important learning opportunity for so many reasons. Climate change is real, and it’s already remaking our world. How our workplaces respond to the effects of climate change should be up to us!

A Green New Deal would address climate change while rapidly expanding public services and seeking economic justice, improved workers’ rights, and crucial programs such as a jobs guarantee and workforce retraining.

Along with the webinar, we also held a contest for participants. Participating members were asked to share how the Green New Deal webinar changed their perspective or motivated them to take action to stop climate change.

Member Chris Czypull was the winner of the contest. He writes:

“It encouraged me to take a more active role in terms of the future for the sake of my son and future generations… I truly love the notion of flipping our present system of banks and/or corporations and/or CEOs getting rich off the backs of the workers onto its side - there simply has to be a better way that supports all of society, and not just the top 1%.”

Chris’s prize is a free copy of Seth Klein’s “A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency”. Seth’s important new book is available at an independent bookseller near you, like Audrey’s Books in Edmonton or Calgary’s Shelf Life Books. Congratulations, Chris! We hope you enjoy the book.

Keep an eye out for more live learning webinar opportunities in the future!


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