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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Work continues to fix serious 1GX problems at GOA

Member update for GOA members of AUPE on 1GX paryoll issues

Mar 03, 2022

Existing grievances temporarily on hold

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AUPE and the Government of Alberta (GOA) continue to work to address 1GX problems that affect many AUPE members.
The employer has created a new, systematic process to handle outstanding issues that are the subject of grievances we have filed about the 1GX payroll system. This process will tackle outstanding individual problems, starting with those that have the most serious impact on the members, particularly those who are owed money. 
While the employer works through this new process, AUPE has agreed to put existing grievances related to 1GX on hold. If any members’ payroll and time-management problems are not resolved through the employer’s new process, their grievances will proceed.

The employer advises us that most issues with 1GX have been resolved, but it’s clear that many issues remain outstanding. We’re hopeful the government is finally able to address the matter in its entirety, but experience tells us we can’t count on it.

So, we need you to continue to tell us if you have any new problems with 1GX. 

If you experience any new, previously unreported problem with payroll, hours worked, overtime, leave requests or anything else related to 1GX, please do these three things: 

  • Report the problem to 1GX and get a ticket number; 
  • Report the problem to your manager – in writing or by email; and 
  • Report the problem to your Membership Services Officer (MSO). You can do that by calling the Member Resource Centre (MRC) at 1-800-232-7284 or by clicking here

It’s vital to report the problem in all three ways to ensure there is a paper trail, so it will be easier to pursue action later, if necessary.
We know that the long-running chaos caused by 1GX has been difficult for many of you. 
Remember, none of this is the fault of front-line GOA workers in the payroll department – fellow AUPE members – so, please do not take out your frustrations on them. They are working hard on your behalf to resolve these issues.

These problems are the result of management’s decision to adopt a new system long before it was ready and one that was incapable of handling the complexities of dealing with more than 22,000 staff working vastly different schedules and with varying workplace conditions.

We appreciate your patience as we continue to push the employer to resolve the matter. 


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