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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

We need your help as we prepare to bargain a new contract

Negotiations will be based on what you tell us in this vital survey

Oct 13, 2021

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Local 118/Chapter 010

Your negotiating team is preparing to start bargaining with the County of Northern Lights for a new collective bargaining agreement – and that means we need to hear from you!

What do you want to see in the next agreement? Which issues are most important to you? Is job security a top priority or are improved benefits more important?

We need to know what you think so we can push for a new contract that you will support. That’s why we will be sending out surveys for all members to complete.

This is your chance to have your say, so please take the time to fill out and submit the survey. Our bargaining will be based on what you tell us. All answers will be kept confidential.

The survey will be emailed to members. Please ensure you have created an AUPE account on our website so we have your personal email address. You can do so here.

If you prefer a hard copy of the survey, please contact one of the negotiating team members.

Northern Lights negotiating team

Trinidy Schmidt:
Chris Crane:
Teresa Tupper:

AUPE staff resources

Christian Tetreault, negotiator:
Terry Inigo-Jones, communications:


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  • Bargaining updates


  • 118 - Local Government and Agencies


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