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We need YOU to help keep your workplace safe

Feb 07, 2022

AUPE members can’t rely on others to do this important work

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Most people think they’re safe at work. Most think that if there is an incident at work, it won’t happen to them. Most workers think that safety is someone else’s job.

The sad truth is that people are hurt and people are killed. It might have been a colleague or a stranger the last time, but it could be you next.

Three AUPE members who work for the Alberta government were injured in a helicopter crash in January. Two AUPE members employed by Emcon Services were injured while working on the highway in December 2021. During the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 32,000 health-care workers, many of them AUPE members, have been infected with the virus and 10 have died.

Outside of health care, tens of thousands of AUPE members have worked on the front lines during the pandemic, providing vital public services to Albertans. Many have contracted the virus and it has claimed the lives of a social worker and a correctional peace officer belonging to AUPE.

Another sad truth is that workers can’t rely on other people to keep them safe. The government won’t do all that’s necessary and neither will employers.

No matter where you work, whether in an office, in a health-care setting, in a correctional facility, in education, in maintenance, in food services, you can be in danger. For some, the danger might come from being assaulted, for others it might be getting sick and for some it might be from cumulative stress injuries or a fall.

Only the workers know the risks they face. That means if ups to us, as workers, to push for safer working conditions. Safety is your job.

That’s why we need more AUPE members to step up to be worksite representatives on joint workplace Health and Safety Committees (HSCs) and to sit on Local and Chapter OHS sub-committees.

We have done a great deal during the pandemic to get members in place at many worksites. We are grateful for their valuable work on these committees and sub-committees. They are doing their bit to keep their colleagues safe.

However, there are still a number of HSCs and sub-committees where there are no AUPE representatives. We need to fill those spots as soon as possible.

The good news is that it’s easier than ever to take part in this work. No elections are required to join these committees this year. Also, we have made it easier than ever to get any training you might need.

Over the coming months, your Local and Chapter executives and Local Occupational Health and Safety Liaisons will be trying to fill those vacancies.

Why not volunteer? Or at least find out more about what the work is like and what it will mean to you to play your part.

Reach out to your executive members or attend a Local or Chapter meeting. If you know anyone who might be interested or might be a good fit, tell them about this opportunity.

Any work done on joint Health and Safety Committees is done on the employer’s time and expense. On the sub-committees, you may be able to get time off work for union business.

So, step up to do this important work.

Your life may depend on it.


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  • Member update


  • Occupational health & safety committee

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