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University of Lethbridge: We’ve made our demands clear

Update for Local 053 - All Staff

Aug 08, 2024

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Your negotiating team had our first bargaining meetings with the employer on July 24, 25, and 26, where we were very clear on our monetary demands. 

 We shared our non-monetary proposals and signed off on more than 20 articles. 

We also shared our proposals for wage increases. We are seeking a three-year deal with the following wage increases: 

  • Year 1: 13%; 
  • Year 2: 6.5%; and 
  • Year 3: 6.55%. 

Inflation vs. University of Lethbridge wage settlements (2017 – 2024) 

The table below shows the growth of inflation, the growth of our wages, and the difference between the two.  

The price of goods and services in Alberta has increased almost 25% since 2017, but our wages have increased only 3.8%.  As you can see, we need serious wage increases now to catch back up with inflation. 

Inflation Vs. U of L wage settlements chart

We are also fighting for a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) to ensure our future earnings keep up with inflation. 

The chart below shows what University of Lethbridge members would have received in the last four years if our new COLA proposal had been in place. The plan would be for members to receive lump-sum payments at the end of each year, the size of which depend on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).   

COLA chart

We all know how damaging the high inflation rates in recent years have been to us and our families. We see it every time we buy groceries, when we pay our rent or see our mortgage payments balloon. 

Your negotiating team is also proposing that no full-time university employee be paid less than a living wage of $22.98 per hour. There is no reason why the university cannot pay us enough to  afford food, clothes and rent. 

The employer has not yet provided its monetary proposals. 

What’s next? 

We are scheduled to resume bargaining on the following dates: 

  • Oct. 16-17; 
  • Oct. 28-29; and 
  • November 18-19. 

To succeed in bargaining, we need your support. 

We need you to show the employer that we’re angry, united, determined – and that we’ll fight to get what we deserve. 

Wear red to support your team  

We are asking members to wear red to work to show support for your negotiating team, particularly on days where bargaining is taking place.  

If your workplace rules prevent you from wearing red clothing, there are other ways you can help. Wear red shoes or red shoelaces, wear a red wristband, carry a red coffee mug, wear a red hair band, wear a red lanyard.  

We want the employer to see red wherever they go on campus. This is a simple but effective tool to show them that we are serious about getting a good collective agreement.  

Take photos of you and your comrades wearing red to show off your solidarity, then send your photos to and we will post them on AUPE’s social media.  

Please stay connected   

We will continue to send regular bargaining updates. Please make sure your personal information is updated on the AUPE website here:   


Jacob Cameron 

Susan Roulston 

Tammy Paskuski 

Greg Moore 


James Mitchell, Negotiator 

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