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University of Lethbridge members vote to accept new agreement

Update for Local 053

Dec 15, 2022

Local 053 accepts mediator’s recommendations

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AUPE members at the University of Lethbridge have voted to accept terms for a new collective agreement laid out in a mediator’s report. 

The agreement includes raises and other improvements, both monetary and non-monetary. The contract will expire on June 30, 2024. 


The agreement includes the following raises: 

  • July 1, 2020, to March 31, 2023: 0%. 
  • April 1, 2023: 1.25%. 
  • Dec. 1, 2023: 1.5% 

There will be an additional raise of 0.5% on Dec. 1, 2023, if certain economic measures are met.
* See below of the gain-sharing formula. 

Other improvements 

Members will now be entitled to two personal leave days. The previous contract had none. 

The drug plan will now cover 80 per cent of the first $1,000 for prescriptions, up from 60 per cent. Prescription costs above $1,000 are considered catastrophic and are covered at 100 per cent. 

There is a new Letter of Understanding (LOU) that provides employment security until March 31, 2023. 

The agreement also includes improved language on health and safety, a better workload-review process, a streamlined grievance procedure and improvements to medical substantiation requirements when applying for illness leave. 

While this was not included in the contract, the employer has also committed to providing time off with pay for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in 2023. 

What’s next? 

Once the new collective agreement has been ratified by the employer, copies will be produced and made available to members. 

If you have questions, please contact a member of the negotiating team. 

*Gain Sharing Formula: 
Alberta’s 20-year average (2000-2019) of Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 2.7%. Provided that the “Average of All Private Forecasts for Alberta’s Real GDP” for 2023 calendar year is at or above 2.7% as of February of 2024, then an additional 0.5% will be added to wages retroactively effective December 1, 2023. 
“Average of All Private Forecasts for Alberta’s Real GDP” for 2023 calendar year would be a simple average of Alberta’s Real GDP for 2023 across the following independent forecasting institutions:  Conference Board of Canada • Stokes Economics • BMO Capital markets • CIBC World Markets • Laurentian Bank • National Bank • RBC Royal Bank • Scotiabank • TD Bank. The most recent publicly available forecast for Alberta’s Real GDP for 2023 would be sourced from each institution at the time the pay-out determination would be made in February 2024. 

Jake Cameron 

Tammy Paskuski 

Susan Roulston  

Rick Aos 

Dale Perry, Negotiations 

Terry Inigo-Jones, Communications: 

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