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University of Lethbridge: Bargaining begins soon; watch for survey

Bargaining update for Local 053, University of Lethbridge

Apr 26, 2024

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Get involved and support your negotiating team!  

AUPE members are getting ready for the largest round of bargaining we have ever seen, and that includes members at the University of Lethbridge. The gains we make at the bargaining table will affect post-secondary institutions across the province.  

Bargaining survey coming soon 

Watch your inboxes! We will email you a bargaining survey on Monday, April 29. The deadline to complete the survey is May 10. 

Your negotiating team created this bargaining survey to help us represent you. Let us know your priorities and concerns so we can fight for them at the bargaining table. Make sure your voice is heard!  

Update your contact information 

Make sure you receive the survey and future bargaining updates. Ensure AUPE has your contact information at  

If you update your email address after we have sent the survey, please contact a member of the negotiations team (listed below) for a hard copy. Everyone’s participation is critical. 

Fall 2023 recap  

Your negotiations team attended the AUPE post-secondary bargaining conference in Calgary in November to review the bargaining process and the facts of Essential Service Agreements. We also created a member survey, which will be delivered via email in the days to come.   

What to expect in 2024  

As you know, your current collective agreement is set to expire on June 30, 2024. AUPE submitted our written Notice to Bargain to the employer on April 2, 2024. 

Important dates and meetings 

  • April 29: Survey will be emailed. 

  • May 10: Deadline to complete survey.  

  • Late May (TBD): Your bargaining team will meet for survey review and prep. 

  • Late June (TBD): Negotiations open between AUPE and the Employer. 

Remember to watch your inbox on April 29 for the important bargaining survey! Deadline to submit is May 10, 2024.  

AUPE members across the province have been under extreme financial pressures due to skyrocketing inflation and heavy workloads, and we want to address these issues in bargaining. Your commitment to this process, and to each other, will help us make the gains we deserve. 

Please contact a member of your negotiating team if you have any questions. 


Jacob Cameron 

Susan Roulston 

Tammy Paskuski 

Greg Moore 


James Mitchell Negotiator 

News Category

  • Bargaining updates



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