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U of C caretakers to stage second rally to protest being targeted

Letter says institutional racism led to decision to attack workers

Apr 06, 2022

Letter says institutional racism led to decision to attack workers 

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Caretakers at the University of Calgary will stage another protest against being targeted by the university at an information picket and rally tomorrow (Thursday, April 7).
The workers, who belong to Local 052 of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE), will also be sending a letter to Dr. Malinda Smith, the vice-provost of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, about the institutional racism that played a role in changes to working conditions that are causing real financial hardships.
The University of Calgary is targeting its lowest-paid workers.

  • It’s forcing unnecessary shift changes that will cut their income. 
  • It’s picking on women, people of colour and newcomers to Canada.  

Workers and supporters dressed in purple will gather at the Quad on the main campus at noon. Chair of Local 052 Justin Huseby will be at the event and available to talk to media.

  • TIME: Noon, Thursday, April 7. 
  • LOCATION: The Quad on the main campus. 

For information, please contact Terry Inigo-Jones, communications officer, at 403-831-4394 or


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