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Town of Ponoka: Contract vote ties, proposal not achieved

Your bargaining committee will seek a return to mediation

Jun 08, 2021

Bargaining Update: Local 118, Chapter 004

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On the morning of June 7, results came in for the contract vote at the Town of Ponoka. The results were a tie—of 24 votes, 12 were in favour, and 12 opposed.

Because the Alberta Labour Relations Board requires a 50 per cent plus one majority to accept a proposal, the result means that the ALRB will not be accepting this proposal, and the proposal will not become our new collective agreement. Your bargaining committee will return to bargaining with a renewed focus on getting the employer back to the mediation table.

Your bargaining committee wants to thank everyone who participated and made their voice heard in this vote. These results, an exact tie, shows how this employer’s campaign to force the vote has been divisive among Town staff. Now that this vote is over, the employer cannot divisively force the vote on another contract proposal again in this round of bargaining.

Your bargaining committee hears you, and wants to achieve a fair deal as quickly as possible. Our priority is to get the employer back to mediation, which the employer abandoned on the first day it started in March. Mediation will allow us to achieve a deal that is fair for all and avoid unnecessary conflict in the workplace.

From the beginning, your bargaining committee has aimed to achieve a deal that is fair for all parties. We will continue to work towards resolving this issue in a way that meets the needs of workers and the Town.

Your bargaining committee is committed to keeping you informed about developments in negotiations as they happen. To receive updates and participate in your chapter’s AGM, create a personal MyAUPE account if you don’t have one already. Create your account on to receive all bargaining news and important union updates.

Your negotiations committee is always open to hearing your questions, concerns, and feedback.


Willie Jones 

Lori Matejka

Tamara Cameron  


Merryn Edwards Negotiator,

Tracy Noble Organizing,

Jon Milton Communications Officer,

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • Town of Ponoka: Contract vote ties, proposal not achieved


  • Boards/agencies/local government

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