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Threshold for 2023 Gain Sharing Won’t Be Reached

Money won’t be left on the table

Mar 19, 2024

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Gain Sharing is a provisional monetary increase which is written into some collective agreements. To take effect, the 20-year average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Alberta must be at or above 2.7%.  

AUPE has confirmed that this threshold was not met during 2023, with the average being closer to 2.2%. This means AUPE members will not receive the 0.5% raise they would have if GDP hit 2.7% or more. The Alberta economy grew significantly in 2023, but the workers responsible for this growth are falling further behind. 

The fact of the matter is that economic production in Alberta is up, and inflation continues to outpace wage grid increases. Employers with Gain Sharing provisions will have this money in reserve, as they almost certainly budgeted for it.  

In many cases, the gain sharing provision is being used as a scapegoat to deny workers the compensation they deserve. These employers think they can dangle a “carrot on a stick” to motivate their workers to do more with less. This is unsustainable and wrong. 

We know that the rising cost of insurance, housing and groceries are far outpacing the wages required to retain workers in public services. Our members and their AUPE negotiating teams are determined to win significant gains by demanding higher wage increases in current and upcoming rounds of bargaining. We know this will be a struggle that we all have to participate in to force employers to compensate their workers adequately. 

If you have questions about this update, please contact a member of your negotiating team, or the Member Resource Centre, by calling 1-800-232-7284. 

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