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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

SAIT drops demand for several rollbacks


Sep 01, 2022


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Mediation leads to progress in bargaining, some issues remain

Progress has been made in several areas after your negotiating team and the employer began mediation on August 26.
With the help of the third-party mediator, there were constructive discussions that led to the employer withdrawing nearly all the rollbacks it had been proposing.
SAIT has dropped rollbacks to:

  • Overtime;
  • How to progress up the salary grid;
  • Named holiday pay;
  • Time off for union education, business, convention, conferences and seminars; and
  • Qualification for long-service allowances.

Talks continue in other areas including wages and the rules governing layoff and recall.
It is unfortunate that negotiations have been undermined by pressure imposed on the employer by the Alberta government and the Provincial Body Co-ordination Office (PBCO). Mediation has helped to remove some of the obstacles created by that interference.
Negotiations across the post-secondary sector have led to deals that look similar to what we are now seeing. Your negotiating team will continue to push for improvements and to get a collective agreement that works for you.
The latest offer on wages is:

  • April 1, 2023: 1.25% increase to wage rates for all positions;
  • Dec. 1, 2023: 1.50% increase to wage rates for all positions.

On Dec. 1, 2023, we also expect to see an additional 0.5%, subject to the gain-sharing formula that we have seen in other agreements. * See below for the gain-sharing formula.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 6.
If you have questions, please contact a member of your negotiating team.
*Gain Sharing Formula:
Alberta’s 20-year average (2000-2019) of Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 2.7%. Provided that the “Average of All Private Forecasts for Alberta’s Real GDP” for 2023 calendar year is at or above 2.7% as of February of 2024, then an additional 0.5% will be added to wages retroactively effective December 1, 2023.
“Average of All Private Forecasts for Alberta’s Real GDP” for 2023 calendar year would be a simple average of Alberta’s Real GDP for 2023 across the following independent forecasting institutions:  Conference Board of Canada • Stokes Economics • BMO Capital markets • CIBC World Markets • Laurentian Bank • National Bank • RBC Royal Bank • Scotiabank • TD Bank. The most recent publicly available forecast for Alberta’s Real GDP for 2023 would be sourced from each institution at the time the pay-out determination would be made in February 2024.


Rose Read

Lauren Wood  


Christian Tetreault Negotiations  

Scott Drake Organizing  

Terry Inigo-Jones Communications


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  • Bargaining updates


  • 039 - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)


  • Education

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